Let’s Hear It For Black Girls!

“Sisters are more than the sum of their relative disadvantages: they are active agents who craft meaning out of their circumstances and do so in complicated and diverse ways.”-Melissa Harris-Perry, Sister Citizen (2011)
Let’s hear it for black girls!
They are beautiful, bold, irrepressible and – above all – so incredibly strong.
Black girls will outlast any struggle, face down any adversary, and – more often than not – triumph in the face of adversity.
I know. I’m a public school teacher, and many of my best students are black and female.
That doesn’t necessarily mean they get the best grades. Some earn A’s and some don’t. But when it comes to pure willpower and the courage to stand up for themselves, no one beats a black girl.
Those are rare qualities nowadays. Sometimes it doesn’t make these girls easy to have in class. But think about how important they are.
As a teacher, it sure makes your life easier when students do whatever they’re told. But in life, we don’t want citizens who simply follow orders. We want people who Let’s Hear It For Black Girls! | gadflyonthewallblog: