Urgent. Senator Manar has filed his bill eliminating designated sped funding. Manar thinks there are too many special education students. Act now.

Illinois State Senator Andy Manar thinks there are too many special education students.
Sen. Manar has finally filed the Amendment to Senate Bill 1, AND House Bill 2808 may be voted on in Committee on Tuesday. Could you post at least the beginning parts of the following so people CAN ACT (file Witness Slip on HB 2808 per the following directions) on what we have been telling them for months?
Thanks, Bev Johns
Amendment 1 to Senate Bill1 has now been introduced by State Senator Andy Manar. (Without any evidence whatsoever, Sen. Manar told all the Members of the Rauner Commission that there was “drastic over-identification” for special education in Illinois.)
On pages 239 to 242 the Amendment contains the exact same language as House Bill 2808 TO ELIMINATE DIRECT AND DEDICATED FUNDING FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS (to eliminate Special Education Personnel Reimbursement).
If because of what it does to special education, or because it is extreme local control of K-12 education, or because it would provide NO new funding for special education co-ops, you oppose the bill, you can fill out a Witness Slip on-line (see below).
If you are in Springfield, you can attend the hearing:
Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee Hearing Mar 28, 2017, 2:00PM Capitol Building Room 114, Springfield, IL
To do a Witness Slip opposed to HB 2808:
2. Under Section I: Identification, fill out all information. Under Firm/Business or Urgent. Senator Manar has filed his bill eliminating designated sped funding. Manar thinks there are too many special education students. Act now. | Fred Klonsky: