The Public Agrees!: Charters are Overrated

Are charters overrated? The public says yes! More on that in a moment.
The recent Intelligence Squared debate has resulted in a variety of new and important conversations. Via phone calls, social media DMs, and emails I have received quite a bit of feedback from folks that are for and against privately-controlled school choice. I also accepted a challenge from Chris (Citizen) Stewart to debate him Cambridge-style this evening. You can watch here free tonight at 6 pm PST on the Sacramento State Doctorate in Educational Leadership Facebook page via Facebook LIVE.

More recently, I received an invite to debate Mike Petrilli and Shayne Evans in Chicago with Macke Raymond (CREDO) moderating. I am still searching for a suitable debate partner before I accept that invitation.
Btw, I am still interested in debating the DFER’s Shavar Jefferies. He agreed, then changed his mind.
In the post Charter Schools Are Overrated @IQ2US I gave you a heads up about the “Charters are overrated” debate that was held in New York City and sponsored by Intelligence Squared.The Public Agrees!: Charters are Overrated – Cloaking Inequity: