DeVos reacts to her portrayal on SNL rather differently than Trump did to his

Kate McKinnon as Besty DeVos during a mock White House press conference by Sean Spicer as played by Melissa McCarthy on Saturday Night Live on Feb. 4, 2017. (Photo by Will Heath/NBC)
President Trump took none too kindly to Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of him on a number of episodes of “Saturday Night Live” this season. For example:
While Trump has repeatedly trashed Baldwin’s impersonation of him, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos just took a different tack. She displayed some humor.
DeVos was portrayed on SNL’s March 4 episode by Kate McKinnon as a know-nothing education secretary during a mock news conference by White House press secretary Sean Spicer, played by Melissa McCarthy.
The portrayal refers to DeVos’s performance at her Jan. 17 Senate confirmation hearing, in which she could not answer basic questions about education policy and displayed confusion about whether the major federal law protecting the rights of students with disabilities was actually a federal law with which states had to comply. Her nomination was so controversial that she was approved by the Senate only after Mike Pence broke a 50-50 tie, the only vice president who ever did that DeVos reacts to her portrayal on SNL rather differently than Trump did to his - The Washington Post: