Betsy DeVos' School Voucher Plan Hurts Poor Kids. PERIOD.

Even though Besty DeVos's confirmation as Education Secretary benefits my Christian middle-class family, it hurts children in poverty who attend public school. And that deeply disturbs me.
My issue isn't directly against Betsy DeVos, specifically.
I just have a problem with anyone who holds the power and desire to defund public education by close to $9 billion from the Department of Education with a private or homeschool education agenda that benefits organizations outside the public ed domain with educational tax dollars.
Huffington Post reported that "the proposed budget adds money to school choice options, including $250 million for a 'new private school choice program.' This would likely be a voucher program ― providing public money for kids to attend private schools ― although the exact plan is still nebulous. The budget also adds $168 million for charter schools, which are publicly funded but privately operated."
With the school voucher debate going around where educational dollars 'follow the child,' any person can choose their educational program of choice. It doesn't matter if you are homeschooling, paying for private Christian education, or staying in public education.
I've already had an experience of how this could work.
The other day, I was driving my homeschooled children from sports camp and passed a school with a banner that said, "FREE PRIVATE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL."
But let's be real here, I thought. There is no such thing as free school for anyone, anywhere. That money is coming from somewhere, and from someone.
I decided to make a call and find out more.
The admissions person informed me that this was an entirely new school, but the qualifications for teachers were different. The school was not required to have certified teachers, but that the teachers had three years of education experience.
What's worse is that these schools will also be able to tap into public education dollars by providing on-campus virtual education, which is the same public school option offered to homeschooling families.
This again, removes funding from public education and puts it into for profit and non-profit organizations that does not benefit the poor children