Without Progressive Opposition, Trump Will Win in 2020 and Beyond

“You maniacs! You Finally did it! Oh damn you all to Hell!”
This was Charlton Heston at the end of “Planet of the Apes.”
But it could just as easily have been progressives everywhere after the Democratic National Committee voted for corporate shill Tom Perez to lead the party over bonafide change agent Keith Ellison.
What the Hell is wrong with you, DNC?
Perez supports the TPP, he’s a friend of the big banks and the donor class – AND he was part of the disastrous, dirty, LOSING Hillary Clinton campaign.
Don’t you get it? We lost against a reality show TV clown, Donald Trump, and you’re just repeating the same mistakes!?
And don’t give me this Russia hacking crap. Yes, they probably helped Trump win by exposing DNC emails. But they were real DNC emails. Democratic operatives actually wrote that stuff.
You will never convince me that it was enough to turn the election. If we had had an actual progressive running (Cough! Cough! Bernie Sanders!) it wouldn’t have mattered.
This was a choice between a corporate candidate and Donald Trump and people chose Donald. F’ing. Trump!
That’s on you.
And what is the first thing you do to fight back? You vote for another corporate Democrat to lead the party to oppose him!?
You maniacs! You Finally did it! Oh damn you all to Hell!
The Democratic Party is all but dead now.
Trump will walk into a second term in 2020 – no matter how terrible he continues to Without Progressive Opposition, Trump Will Win in 2020 and Beyond | gadflyonthewallblog: