DeVos buys influence, Rubio drinks at the trough & it’s not just a FL problem
Betsy DeVos, with an estimated net worth of $5.1 billion, has invested at least $200 million buying influence from mostly Republicans and some Democrats. In Florida, Marco Rubio received $98,000 from DeVos and that’s not all. DeVos has covered her bases across the states. In fact seven of the Senators on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee received generous donations from DeVos and went on to approve her nomination setting her up for a full vote on the Senate floor, Tuesday, February 7th .
Like many ambitious politicians, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s need for cash creates conflict over being true to voters or appeasing donors able to secure political futures. Sadly, money wins almost every time.
Job one for every politician is raising cash either for themselves or for the dark money PACs they run. Even first term politicians know their votes are payback for campaign cash. Constituents be damned. That’s why in the face of an estimated three million calls and letters in opposition, folks like Marco Rubio will close his email box, shut down his voice mail and vote yes for U.S. Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos.
When it comes to pay to play politics, the single, most powerful force standing between voters and money is we, the people. Know this for 2018. The stakes are exponentially high.
For now, contact Sen. Marco Rubio and all the others who took money from Betsy DeVos. Let them know, it’s time to pay the real piper – the voters.
Sen. Marco Rubio:
- Orlando Office: 407-254-2573
Miami Office: 305-418-8553
Tampa Office: 813-287-5035
Palm Beach Office: 561-775-3360
DC Office: 202-224-3041 -
- Twitter: @marcorubio
Here’s a list of Senators under the influence of Betsy DeVos:DeVos buys influence, Rubio drinks at the trough & it’s not just a FL problem | The Edvocate Blog: