Winter is still coming

(Photo credit: John Heminger)
Women were also compelled to remind their fellow countrymen that it’s not just corporations who should be considered people, too. In 2017, women must still assert their rights to reproductive choice and autonomy over their own damn bodies. One can almost hear the heavy mouth breathers as they salivate over dismantling Roe v. Wade. The election of the Misogynist-in-Chief has not helped matters. In his first week of office, he has wielded his mighty pen like an overcompensating sword battling stage 4 erectile dysfunction. In one fell swoop, he has dismantled funding to humanitarian groups who advocate for access to abortions, banned refugees from war-torn Muslim countries, bound and gagged Smokey the Bear, and pledged to build a wall along the Mexican border (“We’d like one too,” signed, Canada). All of this while corporate capitalists continue their never-ending quest to privatize education and dismantle environmental regulations put in place so we can all eat, drink, and breathe merrily. Fortunately for us all, the sisters are doing it for themselves because that arc of the moral universe isn’t going to Winter is still coming | Deconstructing Myths:

(Photo Credit: Annie Russell/VPR)