Weaponized Twitter and Actual Work

I've been having a wonderful time on Twitter, saying provocative things to stir the pot. And I must say I've learned quite a bit about photo editing. I can make Trump's already commodious chin look like something out of a medical training film.
I really don't think that effective resistance to Trump is going to happen on Twitter, but I have been enjoying the experiment.
Here's what I've noticed.
When you go out on the hashtags and insult Trump on Twitter, particularly when you do it in a reply to one of his stupid Tweets, you get an awful lot of interactions with people.
Some of them are real: people who either agree with you or hate you. A few of them are real, but look fake. But most of them are fake.
There are a lot of fake Twitter accounts, and they're all very busy fighting you or retweeting you when you go after Trump. Someone wants us to keep stirring and stirring the pot.
I'm fascinated by it all. Over the years, I've had to deal with a number of aggressive Turks regarding the Gulen TBFURMAN: Weaponized Twitter and Actual Work: