Do You Want To Save Public Education in America?
Here at BustED Pencils the answer to that question is a BIG HELL YEAH!
And for us that means continuing to host interviews with the makers, shakers, punkers, visionaries, and ass kicking individuals taking the fight to corporate education reform. And for the last 3 years we have done our best to deliver on that promise.
But we want to do more! We want to produce weekly shows, offer video streams, and even offer special subscription packages with access to all the behind the scenes material.
How do we accomplish this? With your help!
BustED Pencils joined forces with Patreon. With Patreon you (the supporter of BustED Pencils) can donate directly to the show to help us deliver the best education news, interviews, and advocacy.
We can’t wait to begin this new chapter and we appreciate your support.
Again, Do you want to save public education in America? BustED Pencils says HELL YEAH!