Funding Opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
According to a new guide released by Futures Without Violence, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) can provide states and school districts with improved ways to support a positive school climate and help address the needs of children who have been exposed to trauma.
Last year, Congress passed ESSA, a law that updated federal policy that provides new direction to states about how they can design their school systems, with particular focus on improving academic achievement among at-risk, neglected and delinquent students. In addition to offering states guidance on creating accountability mechanisms, teacher evaluation systems and other system-wide educational policies, ESSA provides flexibility to local educational agencies (LEAs or school districts) in designing student programs and supports.
Implementation of ESSA will not start until the 2017-18 school year, but as school districts begin complying with the new federal policy, Futures Without Violence presents a guide that includes available resources, program requirements and allowable use of funds under ESSA’s nine different titles, paying special attention to opportunities to prevent and respond to child trauma.
Read the guide here.
Funding Opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):