I don’t want to be pushed out.

Annie Tan at Wednesday’s Chicago Teacher Union march through the Loop.
-By Annie Tan. Annie is a CPS teacher who writes on her blog, An Angry Teacher.
It’s been very hard for me to write about teaching as of late. I think most of my friends and family know I’ve had a rough year stemming from work-related issues as well as just life stuff. I changed schools- this is my fourth school in 4.5 years. I moved twice within 7 months. I found out about my Tier II pension plan just a few months ago. And all of it, alongside the current budget crisis in Chicago Public Schools, is making me seriously consider leaving Chicago.
I love teaching. I love my current school. I have a great staff, and wonderful students. We work together not just on academics but so much social-I don’t want to be pushed out. | Fred Klonsky: