Why Sen. Bernie Sanders Wins as the Education Candidate:
Why Sen. Bernie Sanders Wins as the Education Candidate
Last night during the democratic debate, like always, there was no mention of K-12 education, so why did Sen. Bernie Sanders win the debate as the education candidate?
It’s simple. Sen. Sanders’ argument against the power and influence of big corporations has huge implications in regard to public schools.
It would be nice if he spoke more about K-12, but how could Sen. Sanders use such anti-corporate rhetoric for the basis of his campaign and not realize how corporations currently influence public schools?
Consider Teach for America, which, on their 25th anniversary is being excitedly praised at Education Week. This is the same news source for educators that receives grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
TFA has chipped away at the real teaching profession for years–since politicians and some corporate leaders decided public schools would be better run like a business. They create a group of faux teachers pitted against career teachers who get honest teaching Why Sen. Bernie Sanders Wins as the Education Candidate:
Roosevelt High School Was in Danger Today
From Roosevelt Principal Tami Brewer:
Dear Roosevelt families and staff,
This afternoon, an individual experiencing a mental health crisis entered
our ...
2 hours ago