Is Teach For America telling the truth? #TFA25

This is the interview with a recent Houston high school principal that Teach For America doesn’t want you to hear.
Recently Teach For America responded to a post on Diane Ravitch’s blog. Here is a summary of their points:
- We continue to be one of the country’s largest sources of African American and Hispanic teachers.
- It’s important to remember that every experienced educator was once a first-year teacher, whether from TFA, another alternative route, or a traditional program.
- TFA corps members interview for open positions and go through the same hiring process as any other teacher candidate.
- Principals tell us they value having TFA as one additional source of new teachers with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
- Effective teachers, no matter what their background or tenure in the classroom, are an essential part of the solution to educational inequity.
Is Teach For America telling the truth?
Teach For America spends tens of thousands of dollars every year trying convincing the public (with their purchased research, marketing campaigns, and rapids response teams) that sending temporary teachers with just a few weeks of summer training and about 20 hours of summer school classroom time to teach poor children is a GREAT idea.
To give voice to educators, parent, students and others who want to provide alternative perspectives to the public about Teach For America— we have begun a new podcast called Truth For America. Episode 1 of Truth For America is co-hosted with Jameson Brewer, a 2010 Teach Teach For America alum and author of the book Teach For America Counter-Narratives. We also invited a veteran educator and former principal of a Is Teach For America telling the truth? #TFA25 – Cloaking Inequity: