LA Unified teachers: Suspension ban creating unruly classes | 89.3 KPCC:
LA Unified teachers: Suspension ban creating unruly classes
Teachers in the nation's second largest school district say a new policy aimed at reducing suspensions is also having another effect: More unruly students in their classrooms.
The Los Angeles Times reports teachers blame Los Angeles Unified School District for failing to provide the necessary staff and training.
LA Unified was the first district in California to ban suspending students for defiance and began instituting restorative justice policies that emphasize counseling and conflict resolution.
Suspensions throughout the district dropped to less than 1 percent last school year.
Superintendent Ramon Cortines says he supports the discipline policy pushed through by his predecessor but that it was poorly executed.LA Unified teachers: Suspension ban creating unruly classes | 89.3 KPCC:
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