Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: That's a quarter-million #RahmResign sigs with a Q
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: That's a quarter-million #RahmResign sigs with a Q: That's a quarter-million #RahmResign sigs with a QA coalition of activists demanding Mayor Rahm Emanuel's resignation marched to City Hall Monday, carrying 250,000 petition signatures. That's a quarter million with a capital Q. With Rahm off with the family, vacationing in Cuba ("Never let a crisis happen while
OPT OUT @ 3% We Can Do Better: Smarter Balanced Assessments - Year 2015 (CA Dept of Education)
Smarter Balanced Assessments - Year 2015 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces 97 Percent Participation Rate for Smarter Balanced Assessments SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today announced that California students reached a 97 percent participation rate in the 2014–15 Smarter Balanced assessments and the California Alternate Assess
Judge rules sexual orientation discrimination falls under purview of landmark Title IX law - LA Times
Judge rules sexual orientation discrimination falls under purview of landmark Title IX law - LA Times: Judge rules sexual orientation discrimination falls under purview of landmark Title IX lawederal judge in California has ruled that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation falls under the purview of the landmark Title IX law, giving a broader interpretation to the 1972 statute that proh
CURMUDGUCATION: Lamar Alexander: Privatization, Cronyism, and the Big Bucks
CURMUDGUCATION: Lamar Alexander: Privatization, Cronyism, and the Big Bucks: Lamar Alexander: Privatization, Cronyism, and the Big BucksThe rich are not like you and me. In fact, many of the rich get rich through avenues not remotely available to you or me. Would you like to see how it works?Let's take a look at Lamar Alexander.These days Alexander is the reasonably amiable, semi-avuncular senator
Ed. Dept. to States: Even Under ESSA, You Need a Plan for High Opt-Out Rates - Politics K-12 - Education Week
Ed. Dept. to States: Even Under ESSA, You Need a Plan for High Opt-Out Rates - Politics K-12 - Education Week: Ed. Dept. to States: Even Under ESSA, You Need a Plan for High Opt-Out RatesIt's only December, but the U.S. Department of Education is already thinking ahead to the 2015-16 assessment season in the spring—and it's reminding states that they are still on the hook to do something about sch
How Goldilocks Opened a Charter School That Nobody Wanted
How Goldilocks Opened a Charter School That Nobody WantedBig Education Ape: Charter School Approval Flea Flicker: Three charter schools closed by CPS file appeals with stat... http://bit.ly/1QGhKNdBig Education Ape: Glendale Unified board denies charter school plans; petitioners say they will appeal to county -... http://bit.ly/1P9tvbDBig Education Ape: Flea Flicker: Rocketship appeals to state bo
Latino education decline a looming Texas disaster « NewsTaco
Latino education decline a looming Texas disaster « NewsTaco: Latino education decline a looming Texas disaster*Sosa outlines a seven piece plan to change education in Texas for the better: teach college expectation in school; be open to technological change; experiment; reward best schools and teachers; call-out failing schools and teachers; don’t drink the “things are getting better” Kool-Aid; i
The Blame for Our Failures | educarenow
The Blame for Our Failures | educarenow: The Blame for Our FailuresIt’s been another miserable year for educators.I could spend some time giving a detailed list of all of the negatives, but I’m tired. So just trust me on this.I do, though, want to try to summarize the most disheartening thing to me. That is, the continued narrative that makes schools both the savior of our society (read, “economy”
Don’t Blame My Students For Society’s Ills | gadflyonthewallblog
Don’t Blame My Students For Society’s Ills | gadflyonthewallblog: Don’t Blame My Students For Society’s IllsAs a public school teacher, I see many things – a multiplicity of the untold and obscure.On a daily basis, I see the effects of rampant poverty, ignorance and child abuse. I see prejudice, racism and classism. I see sexism, homophobia and religious intolerance.And hardly any of it comes from
A Right-Wing Delusion: ESSA is "leftist and progressive" victory. | BustED Pencils
A Right-Wing Delusion: ESSA is "leftist and progressive" victory. | BustED Pencils: A Right-Wing Delusion: ESSA is “leftist and progressive” victory.Since the passage of the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Every Student Succeeds Act)—pundits are either confused or simply just acting out their part in this never ending nightmare.Being a “leftist” I typically don’t read The Pul
Have Yourself a Common Core Christmas…A Close Reading Parody
Have Yourself a Common Core Christmas…A Close Reading Parody: Have Yourself a Common Core Christmas…A Close Reading ParodyIn case you missed it last year…As you snuggle next to a roaring fire and reach for the family’s favorite Christmas poem, don’t forget we live in a Common Core world now where close reading rules even for the youngest among us.Follow the script! And don’t forget you are to read
Oakland Teachers Struggle to Get Help for Kids Fleeing Violence | The California Report | KQED News
Oakland Teachers Struggle to Get Help for Kids Fleeing Violence | The California Report | KQED News: Oakland Teachers Struggle to Get Help for Kids Fleeing ViolenceUnaccompanied minors fleeing violence in Central America are still arriving to live with family members or guardians in communities across California, while they wait for their court dates to find out if they can stay in this country. I
Teacher: Why I burned out and what I did about it - The Washington Post
Teacher: Why I burned out and what I did about it - The Washington Post: Teacher: Why I burned out and what I did about itJackie Parrish is a retired teacher who spent 30 years in the same inner-city school in Philadelphia. She has certification in elementary education, secondary mathematics and is a reading specialist. She wrote in the following post about her two episodes with burnout — a not in
CURMUDGUCATION: CAP: More Silly CCSS PR Polling: CAP: More Silly CCSS PR PollingIn an era in which even Jeb Bush has stopped saying the name out loud, no group has cheered harder for the Common Core than the Center for American Progress (theoretically left-leaning holding pen for interregnum Clinton staffers). No argument is too dumb, no data set too ridiculous. If that dog won't hunt, CAP ties a
Plunderbund: Takeover of the Youngstown City Schools
Plunderbund: Youngstown Cabinet Kept Meetings Secret While ODE Superintendent Dick Ross Developed Takeover Planby Greg on December 22, 2015 · 0 CommentsOver the past two days, we’ve revealed how emails and documents released by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) directly link outgoing State Superintendent Dick Ross to the creation of a Youngstown Cabinet that worked to enact a takeover of the
Education Pendulum? No, Meat Grinder | the becoming radical
Education Pendulum? No, Meat Grinder | the becoming radical: Education Pendulum? No, Meat GrinderThe irony of apt analogy is that when a comparison works it becomes overused, and thus, tossed eventually like so much waste in the cliché bin.In education, possibly the most enduring metaphor is the education pendulum that represents the swings in educational policy since at least the beginning of the
Educator and Education Blogger Steven Singer’s MUST READ commentary piece - Wait What?
Educator and Education Blogger Steven Singer’s MUST READ commentary piece - Wait What?: Educator and Education Blogger Steven Singer’s MUST READ commentary piecePennsylvania educator and public school advocate Steven Singer is one of the most powerful voices in the nation when it comes to speaking out for students, parents, teachers and our public schools.The tag line for Steven Singer’s blog is –
Cartoons about Winter Holidays–Families, Children, and Schools | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Cartoons about Winter Holidays–Families, Children, and Schools | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Cartoons about Winter Holidays–Families, Children, and SchoolsFor this month with winter holidays upon the nation, I have gathered some cartoons that poke fun at what transpires in homes, schools, and Santa’s place. Enjoy!See More @ Cartoons about Winter Holidays–Families, Children
In Case You Missed It...(because yes, educators also work summers) - Lily's Blackboard
In Case You Missed It...(because yes, educators also work summers) - Lily's Blackboard: In Case You Missed It...(because yes, educators also work summers)In Case You Missed It…Educators are busy people. Hard as we try to stay current with the latest education news and trends, we can’t keep track of everything. With 2015 coming to an end, here’s your chance to review this year’s most widely read it
Advice for My Students: DON'T "Teach For America" | Daniel Katz
Advice for My Students: DON'T "Teach For America" | Daniel Katz:Advice for My Students: DON'T "Teach For America"As fall semester slides into the holidays, most of my senior students turn their attention to full time student teaching. They also begin to think very seriously about how to enter the job market for new teachers beginning their careers in the Fall. It can be a harro
Ex-Detroit principal arraigned on multiple charges
Ex-Detroit principal arraigned on multiple charges: Ex-Detroit principal arraigned on multiple chargesDetroit — A former Detroit high school principal accused of stealing school funds to enrich herself made her first appearance in federal court on Monday for her arraignment on charges including conspiracy to commit bribery and money laundering.Kenyetta Wilbourn-Snapp, former principal of Mumford a
Arne Duncan: ESSA embodies the "core of our agenda" | Truth in American Education
Arne Duncan: ESSA embodies the "core of our agenda" | Truth in American Education: Arne Duncan: ESSA embodies the “core of our agenda”Politico Pro just released an interview with outgoing U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan that is pretty damning of Congressional Republican leadership.They asked about the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).I’m stunned. at how much better it ended up t
Giving them Helen Gym in Phila. schools: deficient curricula
Pa.: Four Phila. schools offer deficient curricula: Pa.: Four Phila. schools offer deficient curriculaThe Pennsylvania Department of Education has declared deficient curricula at four Philadelphia schools where parents complained after budget cuts forced sharp program reductions.It is a "significant victory" for parents, education activists said, a signal that the state Department of Edu
Why Has the Common Core Not Been Discussed on the Campaign Trail - The Atlantic
Why Has the Common Core Not Been Discussed on the Campaign Trail - The Atlantic:What Happened to the Common Core Debate?Several Republican presidential candidates have backed away from the term, but not the standards. Why?The Common Core was expected to be a ubiquitous subject on the campaign trail in 2016. The education standards had, over time, become a political football as conservatives condem
Give the Gift of Student Voice—In New Orleans | EduShyster
Give the Gift of Student Voice—In New Orleans | EduShyster: Give the Gift of Student Voice—In New OrleansA holiday shout out to Kids Rethink New Orleans SchoolsReader: this is typically the time of year when I ask you to open your hearts, meaning your wallets, on my behalf. But this year I’ve decided to roll a little differently. (This has nothing to do with the fact that last year’s fund drive, w
Why 5+5+5=15 is wrong under Common Core - Business Insider
Why 5+5+5=15 is wrong under Common Core - Business Insider: Why '5+5+5=15' is wrong under Common CoreHere's a "repeated addition" Common Core problem that's taught in third-grade in US schools.Use the repeated-addition strategy to solve 5x3. If you answer the question with 5+5+5=15, you would be wrong. The correct answer is 3+3+3+3+3.Mathematically, both are correct, but under Common Cor
This is what Americans think about transgender students in locker rooms - The Washington Post
This is what Americans think about transgender students in locker rooms - The Washington Post: This is what Americans think about transgender students in locker roomsEarlier this month, a suburban Chicago school district erupted in anger after a high school agreed to allow a transgender girl to change in the girls’ locker room. The school’s decision came after the girl had filed a Title IX complai
Rick Hess Cage-Busting Teacher and Escaping from the School Reform Cage | John Thompson
Rick Hess Cage-Busting Teacher and Escaping from the School Reform Cage | John Thompson: Rick Hess Cage-Busting Teacher and Escaping from the School Reform CageI've long admired Rick Hess's iconoclasm and his realism. The conservative Hess also writes things that drive me up the wall. His recent defense of District of Columbia Chancellor Kaya Henderson and her kinder, gentler implementation of Mic
5 Attacks Against Teachers Unions By State Newspapers In 2015 | Research | Media Matters for America
5 Attacks Against Teachers Unions By State Newspapers In 2015 | Research | Media Matters for America: 5 Attacks Against Teachers Unions By State Newspapers In 2015 Public school educators and their unions in major cities made national headlines in 2015 following strikes, contentious contract negotiations, school board elections, and funding battles. While research shows that teachers unions benefi
Teachers Are About to Get the Data They Need to Educate Your Kids, Experts Say | Mother Jones
Teachers Are About to Get the Data They Need to Educate Your Kids, Experts Say | Mother Jones: Teachers Are About to Get the Data They Need to Educate Your Kids, Experts SayNine big-city schools in California, covering almost 1 million kids, are trying to break away from "one size fits all" teaching.When President Barack Obama signed the new Every Student Succeeds Act earlier this month,
Florida teachers union says new 'Best and Brightest' bonus program discriminates | Tampa Bay Times
Florida teachers union says new 'Best and Brightest' bonus program discriminates | Tampa Bay Times: Florida teachers union says new 'Best and Brightest' bonus program discriminatesFlorida's Best and Brightest teacher scholarship program had its critics from the moment it became law last summer.It set aside $44 million to give teachers up to $10,000 in bonus money if they received a "highly ef
Elia: Big changes coming for testing, evaluations, Common Core standards | POLITICO
Elia: Big changes coming for testing, evaluations, Common Core standards | POLITICO: Elia: Big changes coming for testing, evaluations, Common Core standardsALBANY — Substantive changes will be made to testing, teacher evaluations and the Common Core learning standards in New York State, state education commissioner MaryEllen Elia said in a television interview set to air Monday night.“We’ve alrea
The new educational philanthropy - AEI
The new educational philanthropy - AEI: The new educational philanthropyAEI's Rick Hess sits down with Education Next's Michael F. Shaughnessy1) Rick, you and Jeff Henig have just edited a book, The New Education Philanthropy. What brought this about?Just fifteen years ago, there were concerns that the nation’s philanthropic community was retreating from K-12, frustrated with what they regarded as
After-school program funding remains separate under new education law | EdSource
After-school program funding remains separate under new education law | EdSource: After-school program funding remains separate under new education lawAfter-school and summer programs will not only retain a separate funding stream, they will also get a slight boost in dollars under the new federal education bill and budget.At one point during the negotiations that resulted in the Every Student Suc
High Stakes Testing and the Black Community: Just Say NO! | Poetic Justice
High Stakes Testing and the Black Community: Just Say NO! | Poetic Justice: High Stakes Testing and the Black Community: Just Say NO!Please watch and share this video of Jamaal Bowman, principal of CASA Middle School in the Bronx, talking about the deleterious effects of testing on our children. Opting Out of high stakes testing and testing tied to teacher evaluations is a decision parents can and
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 12/21/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMCURMUDGUCATION: Free Market Bad for Students with DisabilitiesCURMUDGUCATION: Free Market Bad for Students with Disabilities: Free Market Bad for Students with Disabilities Disabilities Studies Quarterly, a peer-reviewed quarterly journal, published a paper back in 2012 that makes some sobering points about how a free market approach to schools works out (or not) for students wi