Pssst…Mark, it’s me again.

Dear Mark,
First – my sincerest congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. My son (now sleeping in my arms and making typing a bit difficult) was born just over a year ago, so I know quite well the wonder and fatigue of those first few weeks. I hope you and your wife have gotten some sleep since you’ve been home, and if you haven’t – don’t worry, it’ll get better soon.
When you get a chance to come up for air from your new life with little Max, I have another letter for you to read. (I say “another” because, if you’ve not yet seen it, I wrote you this letter a few weeks ago.)
Mark, without question, you said many lovely things in your open letter to your daughter. I know that you – like all parents – truly want this world to be a better place, as it is the world you’ll be leaving behind for Max.
But there was something you said, as you were describing your investments in personalized education, which was not lovely at all.
Here it is below:
“It will take building new technology and trying new ideas. And it will take making mistakes and learning many lessons before achieving these goals.”
Mark, now that you have a little one of your own, will you do something for me? Will you pick her up, put her sweet, floppy little head in the crook of your elbow, and then – just for a moment – imagine something you’d rather not imagine?
Imagine for a moment that Max’s mind – the most precious thing she has – will be experimented upon when she gets to school.
Imagine that you no longer have the resources to send her anywhere you like for school, and so she will attend your local public school.
And now imagine that your local public school is working with an out-of-state Pssst…Mark, it’s me again. | Save Maine Schools: