Preschool Common Core Dialogic Reading: Can’t Mother Goose Fly Alone?

Yes. Mother Goose can fly alone! She doesn’t need any help from dialogic reading, which is like close reading for preschool. This formulaic reading exercise was created by Grover J. “Russ” Whitehurst an experimental psychologist who is director of the Brown Center on Education Policy at the Brookings Institution. Here is more about Dr. Whitehurst.
By having adults overanalyze the story plot and picture by interrupting and asking specific questions, the child is given too much direction without being allowed to figure things out on their own. Their right to interpret the meaning of the story, or the pictures, by themselves is stolen.
Let’s consider nursery rhyme, which is important to preschoolers. Reading Dr. Seuss, Mother Goose or any of the many rhyming books, can pique a child’s interest to read. The enjoyment of hearing sounds and making sense of the meaning of the verse is exciting to a child.
Dialogic reading as described here breaks up the flow of reading the verse. Parents Preschool Common Core Dialogic Reading: Can’t Mother Goose Fly Alone?: