Our Schools Are Not Widget-Makers

Last May, only a week or so after I testified in opposition to our proficiency-based diploma mandate, my fourth grade colleagues and I took our students on a field trip to visit our state capitol.
Our first stop was the state house, which was bustling with activity, as we had arrived just before a legislative session was about to begin.
During a whirlwind tour of the Senate chamber, my students and I found ourselves longing to do what we knew we shouldn’t: the kids, or at least a few of them, wanted very much to try pushing the “yes” and “no” voting buttons; meanwhile, I had to hold my hands behind my back to keep from snatching up the newsletters that had been placed before each legislator’s chair.
Placed squarely in front of each seat was a copy of “Impact” – the newsletter put out by the Maine Chamber of Commerce – with the following headline at the top of the page:
“Maine State Chamber Urges Education committee to Stay the Course on Proficiency-Based education: Maine’s workforce development needs are too critical.”
And then, only a few lines in, was the following quote:
“Business is, after all, the number one consumer of our public education Our Schools Are Not Widget-Makers | Save Maine Schools: