On La. Governor-elect John Bel Edwards’ K12 Transition and Then Some

On November 25, 2015, Louisiana’s Governor-elect John be Edwards launched his transition campaign, entitled, Onward Louisiana. As of December 17, 2015, Edwards has publicized seven transition committees: economic development, fiscal matters, public safety, transportation, children and family services, higher education, and K12 education.
The purpose of these committees is to assist the governor in planning a course of action to address issues related to each area.
Based on my reading of the committee membership lists, I believe that Edwards will “govern from the center,” an idea voiced by Louisiana School Boards Association (LSBA) President Scott Richard in this December 12, 2015, Advocate article.
Edwards’ committee memberships include a number of people whom I am glad to see serving. For example, the Fiscal Matters Transition Committee includes retired science teacher and education blogger Michael Deshotels, Louisiana Association of Educators (LAE) government relations specialist Shane Riddle, and Senator Edwin Murray.
In addition, and regarding the K12 Transition Committee, LSBA President Scott Richard has agreed to serve as chair. The K12 Transition Committee is the largest, with 53 members to date– and it is overwhelmingly comprised of individuals who support traditional, local-board-run public education. Yes, there are some, like corporate-reform promoter and protector and former BESE members, Leslie Jacobs, about whom I have written on numerous occasions. But I daresay hers is not the driving agenda on this transition committee.
The K12 Transition Committee members are as follows (I offer links to some On La. Governor-elect John Bel Edwards’ K12 Transition and Then Some | deutsch29: