Elves, Marshmallow Farms, and the K-12 Education Political Disconnect

Merry Christmas! Today I am writing about illusion and how K-12 education, despite some cursory remarks, is still ignored by Presidential candidates.
If you haven’t already noticed, while there are many topics discussed at Presidential debates, there is never, and I mean NEVER, any mention of the vast concerns about the privatization of America’s public schools, or other volatile issues surrounding K-12 education.
Here are two scenarios to illustrate my point and put a holiday spin on it.
This time of year always brings back memories, and one of those, for me, is of my daughter, when she was young and believed in elves. About a week before Christmas I would slip little treats under the Christmas tree. One night I put some cookies near a few gifts, and when I looked up there she was, big round eyes staring at me in disbelief.
We talked about it. I suppose there is a debate about whether you should lead children on with Santa and elves, but when you are a child (and parent) it sure is a lot of fun. And most kids accept reality when they get older.
That is, unless they are politicians running for President, union leaders and education Elves, Marshmallow Farms, and the K-12 Education Political Disconnect: