Educators General Assembly this Sunday

Calling all educators and youth workers!
Sunday, December 6 Time: 2PM- 5PM
New Freeway Hall
5018 Rainer Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98118
Come together to network, discuss and act on issues facing educators and students in the Seattle region.
Whether you’re already part of an organization, working on education issues or just looking to connect with other concerned educators, the Educators General Assembly invites you to join us this Sunday.
Possible issues include the school-to-prison pipeline, transformative justice, high-stakes testing, recess, workplace conditions, school funding, school board elections, and our unions!
Let’s share our common struggles and organize around creating more socially just schools in the Puget Sound region.
Hosted by the Ad Hoc Educators General Assembly Organizing Committee
Link to FB Event: Educators General Assembly