A Holiday Letter to Peter Cunningham and Education Post

I had an interesting "discussion" on Twitter recently with Peter Cunningham, the Executive Director of Education Post--the investment banker, hedge fund manager-bankrolled communications mouthpiece of the corporate education reform industry. Nearly 2 years ago, Peter received $12 million in seed money to provide a "voice" for the poor billionaires who weren't getting a fair shake from the "Main Stream Media" in the public debate around education issues...even though it's the same Main Stream Media that has helped promote the corporate reform agenda, through NBC's "Education Nation" events, and countless puff pieces masquerading as "journalism," such as the treacly attempt at "advocacy journalism" from failed TV news reader, Campbell Brown, over at The Seventy Four. But Peter doesn't quite see it that way.
Here are a few excerpts from our exchange on Twitter, which started when I responded to a series of tweets he was engaged in with other posters...
Here are a few excerpts from our exchange on Twitter, which started when I responded to a series of tweets he was engaged in with other posters...
This exchange is a great example of how Mr. Cunnningham sets up straw men (all those A Holiday Letter to Peter Cunningham and Education Post - Mitchell Robinson: Reforming Reform: