Charter expansion. Where is the IEA?

Look closely at the picture above of those attending the press conference Friday at the Thompson Center in Chicago. They were there to oppose the actions of the Illinois Board of Eduction in seeking and receiving a $43 million federal grant to open 48 more charter schools, half downstate and half in Chicago. The federal grant provides start-up money with all future costs coming from local dollars that would otherwise go to local public schools.
The Illinois Education Association, one of two state teacher unions in Illinois, was not present at the press conference.
The press conference and protest took place with plenty of notice.
On Thursday I posted on Facebook a notice I received from Illinois Jobs With Justice and Raise Your Hand.
In protest, NIJwJ along with Raise your Hand and other parents and citizens organizations will hold a press conference at the Thompson Center in the Blue Room on the fifteenth floor at 8:45 that day. Please join us there.
Progress Illinois, the website of the SEIU reported:
Elected officials at the press conference included state Reps. LaShawn Ford, Will Guzzardi (D-Chicago) and RobertCharter expansion. Where is the IEA? | Fred Klonsky: