The madness of state control of Newark’s schools–the crystal clear sanity of Jimmie White

Jimmie White is thrown out of the board meeting–no room for a sane man in a crowd that accepts the irrationality of state control
State control of the Newark schools is, well, just plain nuts. Crazy. Lunatic. Insane. A case study in mass hysteria put to the service of politicians who use it to enhance their careers while avoiding their responsibility to children and bureaucrats who can make a good buck pretending the process makes sense. Where else could losers like Chris Cerf and Cami Anderson make $257,000 with bonuses and chauffeured limousines? So far, I have found only one truly sane person in this whole mess and that was only the other day. His name is Jimmie White.
White, you might have read if you were not there, attended a school board meeting Monday night and the insanity of it all must have finally sunk in so he leaped from his seat, rushed to the stage where the board members and Cerf and other bureaucrats were sitting, pointed his finger at Cerf and said, “You have got to go!” He said other things like, “You caused all this!” and “One Newark has to stop!”
Of course, Jimmie White could not be allowed to stay there and shout sane things and so he was rushed out of the room, still yelling out perfectly rational comments.
This is why Jimmie White is sane and the whole structure of state control is not. White says he deliberately waited until Valerie Wilson, the school business administrator and one of those lucky, well-paid bureaucrats, finished a long, boring exegesis about how the Newark schools could get out from under state control by meeting all the requirements of something called QSAC–or, Quality Single Accountability Continuum .
White’s timing was perfect. His behavior dramatically illustrated the insanity of state control and his own sanity.
Because trying to get out of state control is a perfect example of what has come to be known as a Catch-22 and, those of you who already know what a Catch-22 is, The madness of state control of Newark’s schools–the crystal clear sanity of Jimmie White | Bob Braun's Ledger: