State Parent Advisory Council
October meeting agenda for the public for the meeting being held on October 10, 2015.
Regular Meeting
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Sacramento, California
Sacramento, California
Item | Time | Description | Facilitator |
Item 1 Action | 8:30-8:40am | Welcome, Call to Order, Roll Call | State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC) President, Vice President |
Item 2 Action | 8:40-8:50am | Review of Minutes, Review of Agenda | President, Vice President SPAC |
Item 3 Information | 8:50-9:00am | Migrant Education Program (MEP) Updates | CDE Staff |
Item 4 Action | 9:00-9:30am | New Business: Sharing information locally. Ways of presenting the information/reactions from parents, their comments and questions | President, Vice President SPAC; CDE Staff |
Item 5 Information | 9:30-10:00am | New Business Role of SPAC Review: Rober's Rules of Order; Rules of Conduct | CDE Staff |
BREAK | 10:00-10:15am | N/A | N/A |
Item 6 Information | 10:15-11:00am | New Business: 37th Annual State Migrant Parent Conference: Logo design contest, honorees, speakers | President, Vice President SPAC; CDE Staff |
Item 7 Action | 11:00-11:30am | New Business: 37th Annual State Migrant Parent Conference: SPAC workshop theme | President, Vice President SPAC; CDE Staff |
LUNCH | 11:30am-12:30pm | N/A | N/A |
Item 8 Action | 12:30-3:15pm | New Business: Annual Report: review, comment, approve | CDE Staff |
BREAK | 3:15-3:30pm | N/A | N/A |
Item 9 Action | 3:30-4:15pm | New Business: Mini Corps: programs for migrant students | Juana Zamora, Mini-Corps Director |
Item 10 Action | 4:15-4:45pm | New Business: Health: programs and resources for migrant families | Edgar Jimenez SPAC (community member) |
Item 11 Information | 4:45-5:00pm | Public Comment | N/A |
Questions: Susie Marks Watt | | 916-323-2241