Louisiana “PARCC” Results: Useful for Lining the Litter Box

What, exactly, are Louisiana parents receiving when they receive information from Louisiana superintendent John White and his Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) regarding what he continues to call “PARCC” tests?
Nothing trustworthy.
Louisiana is the only supposed “PARCC state” that did not have a contract with official PARCC vendor, Pearson, for the PARCC consortium tests. Louisiana had a left-over testing contract with Data Recognition Corp (DRC), which was only supposed to apply to “interim assessments” through June 30, 2015– which means that it is expired, anyway. (View the DRC contract here.)
Still, on September 17, 2015, John White apparently told The Advocate that Louisiana’s “PARCC” scores were being converted to scale scores a testing vendor:
How those results translate into PARCC’s measuring stick is called the scaled score, which will be between 650 and 850.Student scores will be placed in one of five categories: minimal command, partial command, moderate command, strong command and distinguished command.White said the state’s vendor is in the process of converting raw scores into scaled scores, and those results need refining before they are meaningful to educators.
However, by September 17, 2015, the only contract LDOE had for the testing– one with DRC– had been expired for almost three months.
LA “PARCC” tests delivered via DRC
So, in September, White knowingly misled the public to believe Louisiana’s “PARCC” Louisiana “PARCC” Results: Useful for Lining the Litter Box | deutsch29: