"Donald're a pend * ^%" say the streets of New York
"Donald eres un pend*^%", dicen las calles de Nueva York
La marca de licor mexicana “Ilegal Mezcal” lanzó una campaña contra el candidato presidencial que más ha dado de qué hablar este año: Donald Trump.
“Ilegal Mezcal” dejó sellos por las calles de Nueva York que rezan: "Donald eres un pend*^%", refiriéndose al magnate republicano.
Mexican liquor brand "Illegal Mezcal" launched a campaign against the presidential candidate that has been the talk this year: Donald Trump.
"Illegal Mezcal" seals left in the streets of New York who pray: "Donald're a pend * ^%" referring to Republican magnate.
All signs are in Spanish, so that only Hispanic immigrants or those who have studied the language can understand.
The controversial campaign also invites customers to upload a photo with a swig of his mezcal with the hashtag #ShotAtDonald for awards.
Además, en su sitio web se pueden conseguir camisas con el mismo logo contra Trump, informó http://www.infobae.com/.
Furthermore, in its site web can be achieved with the same logo shirts against Trump, he reported http://www.infobae.com/ .