Charters: Illusion of Change? feat. @PedroANoguera et al.

What is typically different about charter schools and traditional schools both on a national level and to some extent locally? Teachers’ Democracy Project filmmakers answer this question in the new short documentary film “Charters: The Illusion of Change”
A few months ago, I visited Washington DC to attend a Latino Leadership Weekend conference that was held at the University of Maryland Business School. During one of the breaks at the conference, I had the chance to sit down with Teachers’ Democracy Project filmmakers from the Baltimore area and discuss charter schools for their short documentary film.
Here is what the Teachers’ Democracy Project filmmakers had to say about “Charters: The Illusion of Change”:
It explores issues of school autonomy, community control, accountability, choice, funding formulas, and equity issues. The goal of the film is to help teachers, communities and education advocates understand the issues at stake as we face new legislation that could change the landscape for charter schools and create a favorable environment for corporate charter chains to come to our state. The video is not intended as a critique of small, mom and pop charters—many of which were started by teachers and local education activists. Rather it makes the case that we should be protecting teacher rights and making sure that all schools have equitable funding, and working for curricular autonomy for all schools.
I am honored to appear alongside @PedroANoguera et al. in “Charters: The Illusion of Change” available now for free on @Vimeo
COMING SOON: A new geo-spatial analysis of charter segregation of ELLs and other special populations in the Stanford Law and Policy Review.
For all of Cloaking Inequity’s posts on charters click here.
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