You Can’t Win a Rigged Game – Standardized Tests as “Proof” of Failure

One of my dearest high school friends was a bit of a doofus.
Who am I kidding? So was I!
One of our favorite things to do after school was plop on the coach and play shoot ‘em up video games. “Smash TV” was a particular favorite.
We’d bob and weave while clutching controllers and rapidly jamming our thumbs on the buttons.
And at such times, we‘d talk.
No great philosophical problems were solved during these mid-afternoon gaming sessions. We’d talk trash, dissing each other’s gaming skills, bragging about our own, and occasionally quizzing each other with trivia on a shared topic of interest.
We both loved movies, so my buddy used to shout out cinematic quotations and ask me to name where they came from.
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
“Luke, I am your father!”
“Go ahead, punk. Make my day!”
None of these famous quotes made my buddy’s list. He preferred lines like these:You Can’t Win a Rigged Game – Standardized Tests as “Proof” of Failure | gadflyonthewallblog: