The Education Reform Oligarchy & Their School Choice Conversation

The education reform oligarchy of the 80’s had a school choice conversation —at least one that is a matter of record.
It’s doubtful that the public can recall what was discussed. It’s doubtful that very many were really invited to listen. What is more likely is that most people are left asking, what school choice conversation?
So here’s how the story went…
“At its meeting in August 1985, the members of the National Governors’ Association [NGA] formed seven task forces for the purpose of examining in-depth critical problem areas in American education.”
It’s unlikely that very many people would argue against the idea that parent involvement in education is critical. Then — now, forever, and always — parent, community, and national involvement and support for public schools is a problem in critical need of being addressed with real solutions. How exactly school choice came to be seen as a “critical” problem depends …
“Whether the push for school choice is driven by economic and political forces, or by parents and educators, depends on whom you ask.”
What we know for sure is now our history.
To be clear, since the development of free desegregated public school education, people The Education Reform Oligarchy & Their School Choice Conversation - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: