Yong Zhao: Outcome vs. Process: Different Incarnations of Personalization
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Outcome vs. Process: Different Incarnations of Personalization: Outcome vs. Process: Different Incarnations of PersonalizationThere are different views of personalized learning. My advocacy for personalization has been occasionally misunderstood as supporting the narrow view of personalized learning driven by big data and learning analytics wi
NEW VIDEO: How California Organizers Won Fair School Funding | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign
NEW VIDEO: How California Organizers Won Fair School Funding | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity: NEW VIDEO: How California Organizers Won Fair School FundingPosted on: Monday July 13th, 2015Last year, parents, students, teachers and community members in Los Angeles achieved a huge victory for the city’s public schools: they successfully pushed th
NYC Public School Parents: How the question left out of the DOE parent survey was the most interesting of all
NYC Public School Parents: How the question left out of the DOE parent survey was the most interesting of all: How the question left out of the DOE parent survey was the most interesting of allMore on the results of the parent survey and the question left out in Schoolbook and the NY Daily News. When the results of the DOE's Learning Environment Survey were released yesterday, the administration
Whatever you call it, bribing voters is a bad idea - LA Times
Whatever you call it, bribing voters is a bad idea - LA Times: Whatever you call it, bribing voters is a bad ideaPerhaps the leaders of United Teachers Los Angeles will learn a lesson from the May election defeat of school board incumbent Bennett Kayser, whom they backed, by upstart Ref Rodriguez. Unfortunately, that lesson may well be that they must back up their next candidate for office by offe
Charter schools: Give us public money but not public scrutiny | Bob Braun's Ledger
Charter schools: Give us public money but not public scrutiny | Bob Braun's Ledger: Charter schools: Give us public money but not public scrutinyGov. Chris Christie and his powerful Democratic allies–most notably US Sen. Cory Booker and South Jersey political boss George Norcross–promote charter and voucher schools as a way of avoiding the two most pressing problems facing urban public education:
Measuring diversity in charter school offerings - AEI
Measuring diversity in charter school offerings - AEI: Measuring diversity in charter school offeringsEducation, K-12 SchoolingFont SizeAAKey PointsPart of the promise of charter schooling is that deregulation could allow for more diverse types of schools than would otherwise exist. Yet little attention has been paid to evaluating the diversity of the charter school market.After coding every chart
Group Created By Silicon Valley Millionaire Targets Teacher Evaluations In California
Group Created By Silicon Valley Millionaire Targets Teacher Evaluations In California: Group Created By Silicon Valley Millionaire Targets Teacher Evaluations In CaliforniaThis piece comes to us courtesy of EdSource, where it was originally published.Students Matter, which is challenging tenure and other teacher protection laws in Vergara v. California, filed a second school lawsuit Thursday. It i
The tyranny of top-down education reform (or, if everyone has school choice, is it still a choice?) - The Washington Post
The tyranny of top-down education reform (or, if everyone has school choice, is it still a choice?) - The Washington Post: The tyranny of top-down education reform (or, if everyone has school choice, is it still a choice?)So many of the changes being proposed today, regardless of where they come from, share a feature in common: the people proposing them see their reforms as silver bullets, and see
Key education bills still in play as legislators take summer break | EdSource
Key education bills still in play as legislators take summer break | EdSource: Key education bills still in play as legislators take summer breakLegislators who headed out of town on Friday for a month have already decided the fate of many key bills. Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a much debated child vaccination law that eliminates the personal belief exemption to school-required vaccinations. All o
Charter founder gets real with admission about improving schools - K-12 Zone
Charter founder gets real with admission about improving schools - K-12 Zone: Charter founder gets real with admission about improving schools“Let’s just be real,” Chris Barbicwrote last week when announcing his resignation as superintendent of Tennessee’s Achievement School District.Then Barbic admitted what skeptics of charter schools have preached for years — “achieving results in neighborhood
The 2015 KIDS COUNT Data Book - The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The 2015 KIDS COUNT Data Book - The Annie E. Casey Foundation: The 2015 KIDS COUNT Data Book DATA BOOKREAD OR DOWNLOAD THE REPORT (56 PG PDF)The KIDS COUNT Data Book is an annual publication that assesses child well-being nationally and across the 50 states, as well as in the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Using an index of 16 indicators, the report ranks states on overall child well-being
More Funding Is Flowing for Education Journalism. Is That Okay? - Inside Philanthropy: Fundraising Intelligence - Inside Philanthropy
More Funding Is Flowing for Education Journalism. Is That Okay? - Inside Philanthropy: Fundraising Intelligence - Inside Philanthropy: More Funding Is Flowing for Education Journalism. Is That Okay? Our recent post on Campbell Brown's education news site and the funders supporting it started us thinking about the larger topic of funder support for journalistic coverage of education issues. The top
Democrat controlled Legislature’s action on Malloy’s education veto nothing but a scam. - Wait What?
Democrat controlled Legislature’s action on Malloy’s education veto nothing but a scam. - Wait What?: Democrat controlled Legislature’s action on Malloy’s education veto nothing but a scam.A lesson on power politics and how many legislators will jettison their constituents in order to hang with the power elite.What did your elected representative stand on the veto issue?A handful of Democrats and
School Policy Fast-Tracked, Kept Secret from State Board of Education in One-Party Ohio | janresseger
School Policy Fast-Tracked, Kept Secret from State Board of Education in One-Party Ohio | janresseger: School Policy Fast-Tracked, Kept Secret from State Board of Education in One-Party OhioAccording to the website of the Ohio Department of Education, “The State Board of Education is made up of 19 members – 11 who are elected and eight who are appointed by the governor.” The website does not list
California improves in children's health but slips to 49th in financial security | 89.3 KPCC
California improves in children's health but slips to 49th in financial security | 89.3 KPCC: California improves in children's health but slips to 49th in financial securityThe annual KIDS COUNT report on the welfare of the country's children tells a mixed story of how California is faring in providing for its kids. Looking at all measures, the report gives California a relatively low ranking of
Corruption, politics and the race shame I should not feel - The Hechinger Report
Corruption, politics and the race shame I should not feel - The Hechinger Report: Corruption, politics and the race shame I should not feelEven though I know logically that one person doesn’t represent a race, community or organization, I still carry the weight of shame for individuals who take advantage of public dollars and children’s resources.There’s enough shame to go around.Another education
Why new Senate ed bill falls short of LBJ’s “War on Poverty” standard - The Hechinger Report
Why new Senate ed bill falls short of LBJ’s “War on Poverty” standard - The Hechinger Report: Why new Senate ed bill falls short of LBJ’s “War on Poverty” standardImprovements must be made for underserved studentsPresident Lyndon Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird, center left, leave the home in Inez, Ky., of Tom Fletcher, a father of eight who told Johnson he’d been out of work for nearly two years,
Research On Teacher Evaluation Metrics: The Weaponization Of Correlations | Shanker Institute
Research On Teacher Evaluation Metrics: The Weaponization Of Correlations | Shanker Institute: Research On Teacher Evaluation Metrics: The Weaponization Of CorrelationsOur guest author today is Cara Jackson, Assistant Director of Research and Evaluation at the Urban Teacher Center.In recent years, many districts have implemented multiple-measure teacher evaluation systems, partly in response to fe
Community Schools or a Bunch of Bologna?
Community Schools or a Bunch of Bologna?: Community Schools or a Bunch of Bologna?With the re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, or No Child Left Behind into the Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA), there is a lot of talk about community schools.For many, the term “community schools” conjures up the idea of schools as the hub of the town, with experienced principals and crede
We bought it twice but we no-longer own it: Is co-location the better option? | School Finance 101
We bought it twice but we no-longer own it: Is co-location the better option? | School Finance 101: We bought it twice but we no-longer own it: Is co-location the better option?I’ve been spending much of my spring and summer trying to get a handle on the various business practices of charter schooling, the roles of various constituents, their incentives and interests – financial and otherwise – in
Effects of poverty on the brain help explain poor kids’ lower test scores
Effects of poverty on the brain help explain poor kids’ lower test scores: Effects of poverty on the brain help explain poor kids’ lower test scoresPosted with permission from Medical DailyRepublish Reprint(Reuters Health) - The effect of poverty on children’s brains may explain why poor youngsters tend to score lower on standardized tests compared to wealthier students, a new study suggests."
150 Years of Magical Thinking on Teachers- Vox
Want a good public education for your kids? Better be rich first. - Vox: Want a good public education for your kids? Better be rich first.Public schools are a really nice idea. The government builds a building, right in your neighborhood, where anyone can send their kids to get an education for free. It's simple and appealing.But in practice, it's quite a bit different. Land that is in the intake
Charter school teachers claim intimidation over union | City Pages
Charter school teachers claim intimidation over union | City Pages: CHARTER SCHOOL TEACHERS CLAIM INTIMIDATION OVER UNIONWhen teachers voted to form a union at St. Paul’s Community School of Excellence last June, they hoped administrators would quit intimidating employees for uttering anything critical of how the beleaguered K-8 charter school is run.Union or no, Superintendent Mo Chang continues
Friedrichs v. CTA: The Road to Abood: Where Did the Supreme Court Go Wrong? - Online Library of Law & Liberty
The Road to Abood: Where Did the Supreme Court Go Wrong? - Online Library of Law & Liberty: The Road to Abood: Where Did the Supreme Court Go Wrong?With this series of posts, I return to constitutional law issues that SCOTUS will address in the 2015-16 term. One case in particular—Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association—is hugely important and has already generated a great deal of comme
Will Ohio Flunk Failing Charter Schools? | StateImpact Ohio
Will Ohio Flunk Failing Charter Schools? | StateImpact Ohio: Will Ohio Flunk Failing Charter Schools?The head of the Office of School Choice in Ohio resigned over the weekend, after he admitted he had left some failing grades out of several charter school evaluations.Critics question whether David Hansen was purposely “scrubbing” the grades to make charter sponsors look good.Meanwhile, the status
State watchdog agency to investigate Twin Rivers board president | The Sacramento Bee
State watchdog agency to investigate Twin Rivers board president | The Sacramento Bee: State watchdog agency to investigate Twin Rivers board presidentThe state Fair Political Practices Commission is investigating whether Twin Rivers Unified school board President Linda Fowler violated conflict-of-interest rules by accepting thousands of dollars in consulting fees from a charter school she helped
Can two federal bills finally fulfill goals of No Child Left Behind? - LA Times
Can two federal bills finally fulfill goals of No Child Left Behind? - LA Times: Can two federal bills finally fulfill goals of No Child Left Behind?The No Child Left Behind law had an ambitious goal to reform America's public schools 16 years ago: Every student, everywhere, would be academically successful by 2014.That hasn't happened, and the vast majority of schools that receive federal funds a
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 7/20/15
SPECIAL NITE CAP CORPORATE ED REFORMWhat Debate? - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial VoiceWhat Debate? - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: What Debate? The marketing campaign to FIX No Child Left Behind began back in January withannouncements that there would be debate.A draft of the Every Child Ready for College or Career Act of 2015 was released and many newspapers and education associations picked