RMT: Halting a CCSS/CTE aligned Workforce?

To the Warriors against the ‘Core’, we’ve learned over and over that the CCSS Machine has many parts to it. Those parts include Career Clusters, Career Pathways, the American Apprenticeship Initiative, Career and Technical Education, and the Common Core Standards (which encompass every subject, including the Arts and PE).
One of the biggest parts of the Machine? That would be the amount of legislation expressly written to protect the embedding of all this illegally based education reform!
To date one of the most important pieces of this type of legislation is the (already passed as a law in 2014 on the federal level) WIOA. Also known as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The other key pieces of federal level CCSS Machine protecting legislative moves are the re-authorizations of the ESEA/NCLB (HR5, which has had a name change every time we turn around) and the HEA (Higher Education Act).
So What’s the Riddle, Today?:
As you know, each Sunday, I have a riddle for you. So what’s today’s based on the topic thus far? Can we halt the WIOA’s overreach in any way? Let’s find out.
Scores of articles (several are available right here on my blog; just use the ‘search bar’.) have been written; interviews recorded; documents uncovered (with the express purpose of exposing the vast amount of CCSS/CTE/Career Clusters/Career Pathways, etc.) as proof of the embedded and planned course to reshape America starting with education. In the past, the message had been somewhat marginalized.
However, it appears the message is gaining a wider voice and many citizens are recognizing action MUST be taken to save our nation!..beginning with education. You see, the trail of the CCSS Machine STARTS at the child care years and steamrolls all the way to career-land. No educational choice will be respected, no citizen left unscathed by the time the full impact of the WIOA, HR5, and HEA are felt…IF left as is, in their current forms! I’ve inserted 3 visuals below to illustrate my points.

The visual below shows what parts of WIOA are already in play to ‘align and mine’student/workforce data. What’s not in the visual is the language stating how this RMT: Halting a CCSS/CTE aligned Workforce? | commoncorediva: