USDOE Advertises Charter School “Competition” Reviewer Positions for Only One Day

The US Department of Education Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII), an office that Fordham Institute’s pro-privatization president Michael Petrilli supposedly helped to create, has decided that offering the public an opportunity to apply to review state recipients of federal charter school grant money was so important that it should be advertised for one day only– and right before Memorial Day weekend, at that.
According to the USDOE blog on May 22, 2015, the information below was posted “one day ago” (May 21, 2015). It is supposedly an advertisement for peer reviewers for yer another USDOE grant “competition,” this one for state-level charter school planning, establishing, and advertising “success.” However, given the OII’s very brief publicizing of the ad, I’m thinking it already has all of the supposedly-solicited “entrepreneurs,” “funders,” and “venture philanthropy” experts in place and that this public ad is mere formality.
Charter Schools Program Seeking Reviewers for State-Level Grant Competition
The Office of Innovation and Improvement is seeking peer reviewers for the FY 2015 Charter Schools Program (CSP) State Educational Agency (SEA) grant competition. This is a competitive grant program that enables SEAs to provide financial assistance, through subgrants to eligible applicants, for the planning, program design, and initial implementation of charter schools and for the dissemination of information about successful charter schools.Peer reviewers from various backgrounds and professional are needed, including:
- State or district education officials
- Charter school funders
- Charter school and charter school management organization leaders
- K-12, special education and English language learner researchers and evaluators
- Experts in program evaluation
- Practitioners from the social innovation and venture philanthropy fields
- Social and education entrepreneurs
- Strategy practitioners with experience in the charter sector
- Education and public policy professionals
- Grant makers or managers with experience in the charter sector
- Professionals with knowledge of, and experience with, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, education reform, and education policy
Peer reviewers may have expertise in various geographies, including urban, suburban, rural and tribal communities.Interested individuals can review full information on this reviewer opportunityhere. To be considered as a peer reviewer, please click here to complete the Peer Reviewer Application Form. After completing the form, youUSDOE Advertises Charter School “Competition” Reviewer Positions for Only One Day | deutsch29: