Special Nite Cap


Chair of the Education Committee of the Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP Statement on the Attack Public Education in Milwaukee | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!
Chair of the Education Committee of the Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP Statement on the Attack Public Education in Milwaukee | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: Chair of the Education Committee of the Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP Statement on the Attack Public Education in MilwaukeeAttack on public educationMay 18, 2015 by Jamaal SmithJamaal E. Smith, a community activist and chair of th
Seattle Educators Set To Strike For The School Our Children Deserve: Video Jesse Hagopian I AM AN EDUCATOR
Seattle Educators Set To Strike For The School Our Children Deserve: Video interview with Jesse Hagopian on the rolling strike wave in Washington State | I AM AN EDUCATOR: Seattle Educators Set To Strike For The School Our Children Deserve: Video interview with Jesse Hagopian on the rolling strike wave in Washington StateEducators are walking out of the public schools in Seattle on Tuesday, May 18
Lily Eskelsen García - Improving education is a cooperative process
Improving education is a cooperative process: Caveat EmptorI’ve talked a lot about testing, because the testing monster eats through everything in education these days: third graders don’t get to be fourth graders; seniors don’t get to graduate; teachers are labeled ineffective; schools are labeled failing to make adequate progress… all based on hitting a number on a standardized test.But just as
Zimmer 'damns' Rodriguez and his supporters for attacks on Kayser - LA School Report
Zimmer 'damns' Rodriguez and his supporters for attacks on Kayser - LA School Report: Zimmer 'damns' Rodriguez and his supporters for attacks on Kayser LA Unified board member Steve ZimmerIf Ref Rodriguezwins election tomorrow, he’s got no friend in Steve Zimmer.Rodriguez is the challenger in the race for LA Unified school board District 5 against Bennett Kayser, easily themost heated of the three
61 Years After Brown v. Board Of Education, Many Schools Remain Separate And Unequal
61 Years After Brown v. Board Of Education, Many Schools Remain Separate And Unequal: 61 Years After Brown v. Board Of Education, Many Schools Remain Separate And Unequal Decades after the U.S. Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education ruling declared segregated schooling of black students unconstitutional, many American schools with high minority populations continue to receive fewer resources
Anti-union groups target California teachers » peoplesworld
Anti-union groups target California teachers » peoplesworld: Anti-union groups target California teachersSAN FRANCISCO - Pro-corporate education anti-union groups have taken aim at California teachers unions with two separate lawsuits - one of which would strip away the right for unions to collect "fair pay" or "agency fees" from non-members; and another which argues the right
This Week In Education: Thompson: Robert Putnam and Ending the Education Civil War
This Week In Education: Thompson: Robert Putnam and Ending the Education Civil War: Thompson: Robert Putnam and Ending the Education Civil WarThe conservative Fordham Institute's A Conversation with Robert Putnam foreshadows the way that our education civil war could end. Fresh from his conversation with President Barack Obama, Arthur Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute, and E.J. Dionne, R
Video: How PACs are impacting school board elections in LA | 89.3 KPCC
Video: How PACs are impacting school board elections in LA | 89.3 KPCC: Video: How PACs are impacting school board elections in LA Political action committees are spending 15 times the cash they did six years ago ahead of the Los Angeles Unified school board election on Tuesday.Just this spring, more than $4.5 million flowed to PACs for glossy mail fliers, robocalls and ads on Spanish language ra
Badass Teachers Association: WE DIDN’T NEED A SURVEY TO TELL US THIS!! OH YES WE DID!!So many have responded to the surveys findings that they are not surprised! Well of course not we are teachers!! We are living this everyday! It is obvious to anyone who has lobbied politicians that many are out of touch with the reality of what is happening in public education today. When is the last time a sch
4LAKids - URBAN SPATIAL SEGREGATION IN SAN FRANCISCO: Living together. Learning apart.
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: URBAN SPATIAL SEGREGATION IN SAN FRANCISCO: Living together. Learning apart.: URBAN SPATIAL SEGREGATION IN SAN FRANCISCO: Living together. Learning apartLESSONS IN DESEGREGATION: Other cities have much to teach San Francisco on how to diversifySTORY BY JILL TUCKER, HEATHER KNIGHT AND GRETA KAUL | SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE | HTTP://BIT.LY/1HQ72WD“Spatial
Fed Issues New Standards for School Nutrition Personnel CA Dept of Education
Education Roundup for 5-15-15 - Year 2015 (CA Dept of Education): Fed Issues New Standards for School Nutrition PersonnelStarting July 1, 2015, school nutrition programs participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs will have to meet higher professional standards to ensure their employees have the knowledge and skills to administer federal school nutrition programs. Thes
America Closed the Opportunity Gap Once and 'We Can Do It Again', Says 'Our Kids' Author - NEA Today
America Closed the Opportunity Gap Once and 'We Can Do It Again', Says 'Our Kids' Author - NEA Today: America Closed the Opportunity Gap Once and ‘We Can Do It Again’, Says ‘Our Kids’ AuthorBY TIM WALKERWhen Harvard Professor Robert Putnam began working on his new book, “Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis,” five years ago, his goal was to make income inequality and the opportunity gap the domi
Brown at 60: Great Progress, a Long Retreat and an Uncertain Future — The Civil Rights Project at UCLA
Brown at 60: Great Progress, a Long Retreat and an Uncertain Future — The Civil Rights Project at UCLA: Brown at 60: Great Progress, a Long Retreat and an Uncertain FutureMarking the 60th anniversary of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision Brown v Board of Education, the UCLA’s Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles assessed the nation's progress in addressing school segregation, and f
Connecticut Makes Rare Progress On School Segregation As America Moves Backwards
Connecticut Makes Rare Progress On School Segregation As America Moves Backwards: Connecticut Makes Rare Progress On School Segregation As America Moves BackwardsWhen Connecticut high school senior Akbar Maliki looks back on his high school experience, he can think of only one negative: his school has made him so open to and accepting of diversity, he says, that he worries about his ability to mak
Spending in race for three LAUSD board seats reaches nearly $4.6 million - LA Times
Spending in race for three LAUSD board seats reaches nearly $4.6 million - LA Times: Spending in race for three LAUSD board seats reaches nearly $4.6 millionTotal spending in the battle for three spots on the Los Angeles Board of Education has increased sharply since the March primary, reaching nearly $4.6 million, as interest groups vie to influence the nation's second-largest school system.The t
To fight for education, vote for Helen Gym
To fight for education, vote for Helen Gym: To fight for education, vote for Helen GymTOMORROW we will head to the polls to vote in an election in which, for the first time in recent memory, education is seen as the most important issue in the city. Because of the growing importance of public education, over the course of the election season almost every candidate has laid out a vision for the fut
Weingarten stumps for Helen Gym
Weingarten stumps for Helen Gym: Weingarten stumps for Helen GymHelen Gym's City Council campaign got early momentum from an endorsement from the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers. On Friday, it was bolstered by the effusive support of Randi Weingarten, the president of the national teachers' union."If we had more people like Helen in public office, we'd be solving more problems across the
California State Pta Supports Local Initiative Seeking To Include Lgbtq Perspective In Health Education:
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: CALIFORNIA STATE PTA SUPPORTS LOCAL INITIATIVE SEEKING TO INCLUDE LGBTQ PERSPECTIVE IN HEALTH EDUCATION: Burbank PTA resolution on sex-ed inclusion wins approval at state PTA convention.: CALIFORNIA STATE PTA SUPPORTS LOCAL INITIATIVE SEEKING TO INCLUDE LGBTQ PERSPECTIVE IN HEALTH EDUCATION Burbank PTA resolution on sex-ed inclusion wins approval at sta
NYC Educator: The Professor Tells Us How Things Are
NYC Educator: The Professor Tells Us How Things Are: The Professor Tells Us How Things AreI was a little upset by this piece, written by a college professor. I know he's a professor because he announces it. He's not a teacher, he says, and I agree. However, I'm a little surprised he so absolutely accepts every one-dimensional stereotype spouted by Bill Gates, Arne Duncan, and everyone else spewing
Is There a Doctor in the Education House? - Lily Eskelsen García
Is There a Doctor in the Education House? - Rick Hess Straight Up - Education Week: Is There a Doctor in the Education House? Note: Rick is taking a hiatus while he's off talking about his new book, The Cage-Busting Teacher. Meanwhile, this week's guest posts will be written by Lily Eskelsen García (@Lily_NEA), president of the National Education Association.I want to thank my friend, Rick Hess, f
The big business of charter schools - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
The big business of charter schools - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: The big business of charter schoolsBy Valerie StraussIf you are wondering why you should add charter schools to your investment portfolios, here’s David Brain, head of a major investment concern called Entertainment Properties Trust, to tell you.This isn’t a joke.You may think charter schools are just one option for pare
Our Turn - Change The LAUSD
Our Turn - Change The LAUSD: Our Turnscott4lausd.comLike athletes, politicians are expected to declare victory in advance of their contest. The standard stump speech is expected to include the words “when I win this election, I will…” because the first job of the candidate is to get voters to contemplate them sitting in office. Using the words “if I win election” does not inspire that same confide
A Personal Word on the BAT-AFT Teacher Stress Survey | deutsch29
A Personal Word on the BAT-AFT Teacher Stress Survey | deutsch29: A Personal Word on the BAT-AFT Teacher Stress SurveyOn May 12, 2015, the Badass Association of Teachers (BATs) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) produced the first of what will likely be many reports on information collected as part of an online survey on teacher stress.The report linked above is posted on the AFT websit
Cuomo Promotes Tax Credits for Families of Students at Private Schools - NYTimes.com
Cuomo Promotes Tax Credits for Families of Students at Private Schools - NYTimes.com: Cuomo Promotes Tax Credits for Families of Students at Private SchoolsIn a campaign-style tour meant to put pressure on lawmakers, Gov.Andrew M. Cuomo visited churches and a yeshiva on Sunday to promote a bill to give tax credits to families of students at private schools, including religious ones.Mr. Cuomo’s vis
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 5/17/15
Special Nite Cap CORPORATE ED REFORMStare Them In The Eyes | The Jose VilsonStare Them In The Eyes | The Jose Vilson: Stare Them In The EyesBefore I continue, I’ve been nominated for the National Education Association’s Social Justice Award. If you’re an NEA / UFT member, please consider voting for me. Thank you! Voting ends on May 18th, 2015.When John Norton, editor and writing guru, was having l