Special Nite Cap - Catch Up on Today's Post 3/25/15
Special Nite Cap

Eleven Reasons to Refuse Standardized Testing for Your Children By: Jacky Boyd - Badass Teachers Association
Badass Teachers Association: Eleven Reasons to Refuse Standardized Testing for Your ChildrenBy: Jacky BoydOriginally posted on http://crunchymoms.com/eleven-reasons-refuse-standardized-testing-children/ This month, schools across America administer the two Common Core State Standards aligned standardized exams: Partnership of Assessment for Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) developed by
The one about Opting Out, Positive Responses and Tipping Points - mrob's blog
The one about Opting Out, Positive Responses and Tipping Points - mrob's blog:The one about Opting Out, Positive Responses and Tipping Points25 Mar 2015We recently received an email from our school district about M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress) Testing dates--for those not in Michigan, this is the new "required" state test for children in grades 3-8 which replaces
Here's what No Child Left Behind got Wrong - Business Insider
Here's what No Child Left Behind got Wrong - Business Insider: 3 big ways No Child Left Behind failedThe No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act has been languishing for years, and Congress may now end up rewriting the law to fix its many flaws.In 2002, the law was enacted as a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, with the intent of setting high standards for students and holding
California teachers unions promote charter school ( Accountability) bills | The Sacramento Bee The Sacramento Bee
California teachers unions promote charter school bills | The Sacramento Bee The Sacramento Bee: California teachers unions promote charter school billsCalifornia’s politically potent teachers unions are promoting bills requiring charter schools to hold open meetings and to consider all applicants while cracking down on for-profit charter operators.Charters schools, which receive public funding bu
Pearson: Who scores your child’s tests? | Reclaim Reform
Pearson: Who scores your child’s tests? | Reclaim Reform: Pearson: Who scores your child’s tests?Posted on March 25, 2015by Ken PrevitiWho are the experts that score your child’s state mandated high stakes tests from Pearson?(Remember that these test scores determine your child’s future, the school’s funding and rating, the surrounding property values, and the firing or retention of your child’s t
Bad Reporting About Education Is Harming Schools And Students
Bad Reporting About Education Is Harming Schools And Students: Bad Reporting About Education Is Harming Schools And StudentsMARCH 25, 2015 Be afraid, be very afraid, any time you see a reporter in the business media turn his or her attention to education and public schools. What will likely follow is a string of truisms used to prop up a specious argument, steeped in biased notions that were thems
California charter schools vulnerable to fraud, report says - The Washington Post
California charter schools vulnerable to fraud, report says - The Washington Post: California charter schools vulnerable to fraud, report saysJournalists, auditors and other investigators have turned up more than $80 million in charter school fraud in California to date, according to a new report by a coalition of left-leaning organizations, which argues that lax oversight of the state’s charter s
Delaware PTA: Parents should have say in standardized test
Delaware PTA: Parents should have say in standardized test: Delaware PTA: Parents should have say in standardized test The Delaware Parent Teacher Association is joining teacher unions and several school boards in saying that parents should have a right to opt their children out of taking the state standardized test.The PTA’s Board of Managers, made up of the local leaders for each school, overwhe
Oligarchs and Corporatist: Dad Warned Us About You!
Oligarchs and Corporatist: Dad Warned Us About You!"All obstructions to the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations under whatever plausible character with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction
Grading Teachers by the Test - NYTimes.com
Grading Teachers by the Test - NYTimes.com: Grading Teachers by the TestIn 2004, the Chinese government decided there were too many accidental deaths. China’s safety record, it decreed, should be brought in line with those of other middle-income countries. The State Council set a target: a decline in accidental deaths of 2.5 percent per year.Provincial authorities kicked into gear. Eventually, 20
Teacher: The disturbing things I’ve learned about our new Common Core tests - The Washington Post
Teacher: The disturbing things I’ve learned about our new Common Core tests - The Washington Post: Teacher: The disturbing things I’ve learned about our new Common Core tests Emily Talmage is an elementary school teacher in Lewiston, Maine who did some research on the new Common Core tests that her students are taking this spring. In Maine, students are taking the Maine Educational Assessments in
America spends more than $600 billion on schools. Here's where it goes and why it matters. - Vox
America spends more than $600 billion on schools. Here's where it goes and why it matters. - Vox: America spends more than $600 billion on schools. Here's where it goes and why it matters By the time a student finishes college, more money is spent on his or her education in America than in nearly every other country in the world.That's because the US, compared with other developed countries, spend
Record Charter-School Defaults Underscored by Albany Closings - Bloomberg Business
Record Charter-School Defaults Underscored by Albany Closings - Bloomberg Business: Record Charter-School Defaults Underscored by Albany Closings(Bloomberg) -- Charter schools are selling a record amount of municipal debt. For investors, the challenge is that defaults by the publicly funded, privately run institutions have also never been higher.Underscoring the risk to bondholders such as Nuveen
Why Is it so Hard to Fire Bad Teachers?
Why Is it so Hard to Fire Bad Teachers?: Why Is it so Hard to Fire Bad Teachers? Teaching is often viewed as a noble profession. Almost everyone in society has a strong connection to a teacher: Either their mom or other family member has been in the classroom for an entire career, their sixth-grade teacher changed the course of their life, or they realize the value of education in the workplace th
Q&A: Arne Duncan Talks Testing, Turnarounds, and ESEA at Age 50 - Politics K-12 - Education Week
Q&A: Arne Duncan Talks Testing, Turnarounds, and ESEA at Age 50 - Politics K-12 - Education Week: Q&A: Arne Duncan Talks Testing, Turnarounds, and ESEA at Age 50U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has less than two years left in office with the Obama administration, and lots of initiatives in the middle of implementation, including school turnarounds, teacher evaluation through student
Teachers union calls for MiSis meeting with LAUSD, state superintendent
Teachers union calls for MiSis meeting with LAUSD, state superintendent: Teachers union calls for MiSis meeting with LAUSD, state superintendentIn an effort to avoid losing millions of dollars because of a failed record-keeping system, the president of the teachers union called Tuesday for Los Angeles Unified’s superintendent to travel with him to Sacramento and explain the MiSiS crisis to Califor
SES IS A MESS: Private tutor system falters under No Child Left Behind | www.kirotv.com
Private tutor system falters under No Child Left Behind | www.kirotv.com: Private tutor system falters under No Child Left BehindOLYMPIA, Wash. — About 1,000 students who need extra help in Seattle and Tacoma school districts are not getting the tutors they signed up for.Since Washington became the only state in the nation to lose its waiver for the No Child Left Behind policy, schools have had to
The Deconstruction of the K-12 Teacher — The Atlantic
The Deconstruction of the K-12 Teacher — The Atlantic: The Deconstruction of the K-12 TeacherWhen kids can get their lessons from the Internet, what's left for classroom instructors to do? Whenever a college student asks me, a veteran high-school English educator, about the prospects of becoming a public-school teacher, I never think it’s enough to say that the role is shifting from "content
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and teacher evaluations: Standardized test scores are the wrong place to focus.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and teacher evaluations: Standardized test scores are the wrong place to focus.: Value SubtractedGov. Cuomo’s plan to tie teacher evaluations to test scores won’t help our public schools. New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s proposal for overhauling how teachers are evaluated, compensated, and protected from losing their jobs appears to be meeting stiff resistance from the state legis
Group founded by Michelle Rhee funds governor’s field trip to New Orleans. | Get Schooled
Group founded by Michelle Rhee funds governor’s field trip to New Orleans. | Get Schooled: Group founded by Michelle Rhee funds governor’s field trip to New Orleans. On the political front this morning, there’s both good and bad news for Gov. Nathan Deal’s bruising campaign to win support for his Opportunity School District.First, the AJC reports Deal ignored his own executive order banning most g
The Stealth Campaign Against Public Schools and the Public Space
The Stealth Campaign Against Public Schools and the Public Space: The Stealth Campaign Against Public Schools and the Public SpaceMARCH 25, 2015 BY NANCY BAILEY LEAVE A COMMENTBy Sheila Resseger, M.A.Instead of seeing these children for the blessings that they are, we are measuring them only by the standard of whether they will be future deficits or assets for our nation’s competitive needs. Jonat
To My Readers: An Opportunity to Escape My Terrible Influence | deutsch29
To My Readers: An Opportunity to Escape My Terrible Influence | deutsch29: To My Readers: An Opportunity to Escape My Terrible InfluenceOn March 19, 2015, I wrote a post about doxxing.On March 22, 2015, I wrote a sequel.The very short definition of doxxing is the publicizing of personally identifiable information on another. Doxxing has its history in the malicious release of private personal info
Hillary Clinton Caught Between Dueling Forces on Education: Teachers and Wealthy Donors - NYTimes.com
Hillary Clinton Caught Between Dueling Forces on Education: Teachers and Wealthy Donors - NYTimes.com:Hillary Clinton Caught Between Dueling Forces on Education: Teachers and Wealthy Donors The last time she ran for president, Hillary Rodham Clinton did not have to take a position on the Common Core, Race to the Top or teacher evaluations in tenure decisions.She won the endorsement of one of the n
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 3/24/15
Special Nite Cap - Catch Up on Today's Post 3/24/15Special Nite Cap CORPORATE ED REFORMIsn’t it about time to demand a Congressional investigation of Pearson? | Reclaim ReformIsn’t it about time to demand a Congressional investigation of Pearson? | Reclaim Reform: Isn’t it about time to demand a Congressional investigation of Pearson?Posted on March 24, 2015by Ken PrevitiWhich organizations are wi