Common Core stands despite vote
SAU 21 officials call article 'non-binding,' says parents need more education

By Max Sullivan
Posted Mar. 23, 2015 at 5:30 PM
HAMPTON - SAU 21 officials said last week they plan to move forward with the Common Core State Standards at Winnacunnet High School despite voters passing a citizen's petition by 60 percent at the March 10 election to reject Common Core.
School District officials and School Board members called the petition on the Winnacunnet High School Cooperative District ballot "non-binding" last week, as the language in the article did not require any action to be enforced if passed.
"There's nothing binding to it," SAU 21 Superintendent Bob Sullivan said. "It was just a statement."
But the fact that 2955 of 4909 voters marked "yes" on Article 6 put forth by State Rep. Max Abramson (R-Seabrook) did send a message to SAU 21, Assistant Superintendent Barbara Hopkins said.
"I think it means we need to help educate our communities and our parents better," Hopkins said. "We try. We've had a number of forums about it... all the different schools have done outreach in regards to these standards."
Common Core is "a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA)," according to its website, outlining "what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade." New Hampshire is one of 43 states that have implemented the standards into their school districts, according to the website.
WHS is moving forward with Smarter Balanced testing in April, which will provide data to show the district how its classes are keeping up with the standards, WHS Principal Bill McGowan said. He said the standards are designed to make the students "college-ready."
But the standards have faced criticism, including from parents across the country.
Heather Day, whose daughter is in fourth grade at Marston School, said that she's concerned the standards are an overreach by the federal government, taking away local control of education and thus stifling creativity in teachers and students. She stood outside with her daughter holding a sign in opposition of Common Core on voting day.
"Common Core will take local power away from educators, teacher and parents," Day said.
Article 6 stated that a yes vote would "reject Common Core."
The article stated Common Core "is not research based" and was created without "input taken from the teachers when developing these standards behind closed doors."
But Hopkins said there are misunderstandings about Common Core, the biggest being that it changes the curriculum. That's not true, she said. Curriculum is still up to the individual schools, Common Core stands despite vote - News - - Portsmouth, NH: