A Chronicle of Echoes Gets Noticed in Salon
This summer, I am writing my second book, this time on the history, development, and promotion of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). On July 4th, I finished writing the ten-chapter body of that book, which means that even though I now turn my attention to proofing, editing, and formatting my references, I do not need to sit for seven-plus hours three out of every four days intensely focused on creating a book.
I can also turn my attention to other issues that I put on hold until I finished the body of the CCSS book. One major task involved replacing the lock assembly for the ignition of my car. I finished the job today. In May, I began having serious difficulty getting the key into the switch because the tumblers had worn out in ignition lock. I had to leave a key in the ignition for two months until I had time to repair it. (It was far more cost effective for me to do so myself.)
And while I was working on my car today, Michael Mazenko of the news site, Salon.com, published an article about Bill Gates, and in it, he referenced my first book. Salon.com has 15 million “unique visitors” a month, so having my book referenced (and linked) is significant. Mazenko also referenced one of the posts on my blog:
Teacher and education blogger Mercedes Schneider has spent the past year blogging about the surreptitious process the standards took to adoption and implementation. Her work culminated this year with the book “Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who in the Implosion of Public Education.“ In it, Schneider traces what she sees as the excessive and inappropriate corporate influence on public education. Following the publication of Layton’s story, Schneider turned her attention to the curious timing of the interview, asking, “Why Would the WashPost Wait Three Months to Publish a Gates Interview?“ Schneider’s research implies powerful corporate and national forces pushed a project and agenda that should have been far more inclusive of teachers and school communities.
A word on my blog post about the Washington Post’s delay in publishing Layton’s interview with Gates: Layton and I exchanged emails in June, and she did not want the exchange publicized. She also declined to offer any formal statement about the A Chronicle of Echoes Gets Noticed in Salon | deutsch29: