Ravitch Lashes Out at Union Misleadership Critique
"Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is fine, as long as it's contained."--President Snow, The Hunger Games When Diane Ravitch spoke at the National Association of School Psychologists in February 2012, her hefty speaking fee was paid for by none other than Pearson. Yes, that Pearson. When challenged on one of th
Picket the Koch Heads Education Privatization Meeting in Nashville July 22
The Badass Teacher of Tennessee need to saddle up, along with any other folks in Tennessee that care about public education. 6 PM at the Renaissance Hotel July 22. If you need pamphlet ideas or one page handouts, let me know. Can't be there--teaching that week. Be sure to contact the TV stations for coverage.From Joey Garrison:A group led by one of the conservative Koch brothers, increasingly
Doug Martin's Letter to Gordon Hendry and the Indiana State Board of Ed
By Doug Martin Once again the Indy Star has given space to complete unreality, this time by you, Gordon Hendry, the new state board of education member all goo-goo eyed over your neoliberal heroes Bill Clinton and Bart Peterson. In fact, your piece, in many ways, is an attempt for Mike Pence and the state board to do damage control over a recent Journal and Courier guest editorial by Dr. Lynn Ne
7-13-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Compelling evidenceSent to the Wall Street Journal, July 13, 2014In "Test scores may move, learning doesn't" (July 12), Jo Craven McGinty says that there is "compelling evidence" that the US education system is inadequate, because American students "score below average in math and average in reading and science" when compared to other countries on int