Buffalo Teacher Exposes Phil Rumore and NYSUT Sham Militancy
[Buffalo Teachers Fed president] Phil Rumore manned up courageously and strode into #45 with a roll of BTF stickers handing them with bravado to all the teachers and enjoining them to affix them to their raiment as a fierce show of unity, solidarity and power in the face of the evil doers....Phil thinks we should all cover ourselves in them to scare away the woman married to the Loew's hardware he
5-15-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: UFT Contract: Factor in de Blasio Sellout on Charters - With UFT SupportThat brings the total amount his administration plans to spend on charters in FY2015 to nearly $1.3 billion, up from $1.06 billion this year.... Capital NY If you don't think the ATR stuff in the contract has nothing to do with the "Big Plan" to chop down a third of union teachers, you must be "