Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Déjà vu: Too Late to Learn from China
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Déjà vu: Too Late to Learn from China: Déjà vu: Too Late to Learn from China22 FEBRUARY 2014 87 NO COMMENTIn researching for my book Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon: Why China Has the World’s Best and Worst Education, I realized that PISA should have been invented about 300 years ago. Its advice and influence would have been perfect 300 yea
Stating the Obvious | Connected Principals
Stating the Obvious | Connected Principals: Stating the Obviousby George Couros • February 22, 2014 • 1 CommentSpending a lot of time at conferences, I have heard the question, “What do we do with kids that are so distracted by their devices in the classroom?” My initial thoughts is that in a world where there are so many amazing things and easy ways to connect, kids are not always simply distrac
Atlanta Public Schools cheating case: 21 take pleas; 13 headed... | Get Schooled |
Atlanta Public Schools cheating case: 21 take pleas; 13 headed... | Get Schooled | Atlanta Public Schools cheating case: 21 take pleas; 13 headed for trial, Beverly Hall among them. COMMENT(8) 0 6 2 13View Larger KENT D. JOHNSON / AJCFormer APS educator Christopher Waller greets a well wisher after his hearing Monday. Judge Jerry Baxter presides over the first of several days of motio
Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates | Educators from the US and beyond: please share your teaching stories with Mr. Bill Gates. How have the policies of the Gates Foundation influenced your classroom, your students, your teaching, your schools, and your communities?
Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates | Educators from the US and beyond: please share your teaching stories with Mr. Bill Gates. How have the policies of the Gates Foundation influenced your classroom, your students, your teaching, your schools, and your communities?: Ask us how you can help. Don’t tell us what you’d like to change.Posted on February 22, 2014by Teachers'LettersToBillGatesDear Bill and
Charter Operator Fined $195,000 after Stealing $1.2 Million from Ohio; Judge Blames State | janresseger
Charter Operator Fined $195,000 after Stealing $1.2 Million from Ohio; Judge Blames State | janresseger: Charter Operator Fined $195,000 after Stealing $1.2 Million from Ohio; Judge Blames StatePosted on February 22, 2014 by janressegerThe Cleveland Plain Dealer reports this morning that Romey Coles Jr.—superintendent and board member of the Lion of Judah Academy charter school—who had plead guilt
NYC Educator: The Elastic and Amazing Andrew Cuomo
NYC Educator: The Elastic and Amazing Andrew Cuomo: The Elastic and Amazing Andrew CuomoA few years back, things in New York were not nearly reformy enough. Kids were going to school, teachers were going to school, and there was not nearly enough high blood pressure. For example, supervisors would observe teachers, determine whether or not they were doing a good job, and advise them. This was awfu
Union Election in Los Angeles: Candidate Mottus - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Union Election in Los Angeles: Candidate Mottus - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Union Election in Los Angeles: Candidate MottusBy Anthony Cody on February 22, 2014 9:46 AMColeen Bondy, Los Angeles teacher, has prepared special coverage of the upcoming teacher's union election in her city. Here is her report:United Teachers Los Angeles, the teachers' union for Los Angeles Unified Sch
2-22-14 V.A.M.: Value Added Measure
V.A.M.: Value Added Measure:Selling the Common Core with More Caramel Coating?It seems that the supporters of Common Core are beginning to understand that the standards have left a sour taste in many people's mouths. It seems, using all the business acumen they have, they'll try to find a new way to sell it to the people, adding yet another layer of caramel coating to somehow win popular support.
2-22-14 This Week in LA - School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District)
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District):UTLA candidates hit YouTube with stump speechesWith ballots going in the mail next week, Los Angeles area teachers will start a long, internal election process that could have a big impact on the future of the teachers union (UTLA), one of the most powerful in the country. The competition for the top job o
2-22-14 empathyeducates All Week
empathyeducates:The 4 Most Profound Ways Privatization Perverts EducationBy Paul Buchheit | Originally Published at AlterNet. February 16, 2014 Profit-seeking in the banking and health care industries has victimized Americans. Now it’s beginning to happen in education, with our children as the products.
There are good reasons – powerful reasons – to stop the privatization […]20 by empathy / 1d Tea
2-22-14 Engaging Parents In School All Week… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement":California “PTA program creates parent advocates”PTA program creates parent advocates is an article published in Ed Source describing a parent training program developing by the California PTA. It’s called School Smarts. The article provides a lot of information, including links, about the program.2 by Larry Ferlazzo / 23h F
Stephen Krashen Blog 2-22-14
SKrashen:Our focus should be on protecting children from the impact of povertyPublished in the Wall Street Journal, February 21.Response to: "A progressive education" (Editorial, Feb. 14)Your editorial sends the message that our public schools are failing. They aren't. When researchers control for the effects of poverty, American schools rank near the top of the world. Our overall scores
2-22-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs All Week
With A Brooklyn Accent:With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs All WeekWhen I Talk About Prison and Prison Education: It's PersonalSome of you may be wondering why I am defending a Prison Education initiative offered by a Governor whose other Education policies I despise. I can give you a detailed political explanation for my position, and ask you to read Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow" b
2-15-14 Open Congress : Major Bill Actions Education This Week - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
Education - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress:Bill Introduced: H.R. 4009: Protect Academic Freedom ActTo amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit an institution that participates in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions or scholars from being eligible for certain funds under that Act.5h Bill Introduced: H.R. 4008: Educational Freedom Act of 2014To amend the Elementary and Secondary Educa
2-22-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida ALL Week
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education:Scathing Purple Musings Color me purple in Florida ALL WeekWhy the Florida Senate Remains the Nation’s Key Battleground on Education PolicyWrites Matt Dixon in the Florida Times-Union: The Republicans hold a 26-14 lead in the Florida Senate, which simple math will tell y
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 2-22-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog:North Korea: New Evidence of Human Rights AbusesIt's long been known that North Korea isn't exactly a land of freedom and prosperity. However a report from U.N. investigators shows that North Korea has prison camps whose conditions rival those of Nazi concentration camps and Stalin's Gulags. These prisoners are guilty of crimes ranging from watching american soap operas
teacherken at Daily Kos This Week 2-22-14
teacherken at Daily Kos:teacherken at Daily Kos This WeekMilbank gets it right on Cruz and companyin a column titled High cost of an ego trip, written after watching what Cruz put Republican senators through on raising the debt ceiling. A couple of relevant snips: Cruz’s ego trip had come at a high cost. He had forced McConnell, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas and other Republicans to cast votes that co
All Week @ The Answer Sheet 2-22-14
The Answer Sheet:All Week @ The Answer SheetJon Stewart rips bill allowing teachers, parents to hit kids hard enough to bruisePut this in the you-can’t-make-up-this-stuff category: A legislator in Kansas was pushing legislation to allow teachers and parents to whack kids hard enough to bruise. Why? Out of the mistaken belief that beating up children is an effective disciplinary method. The good ne
2-22-14 Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Schooling in the Ownership Society All Week
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog:Schooling in the Ownership SocietyMike Klonsky's SmallTalk Schooling in the Ownership SocietyCalif. pension battle brewing. Sounds eerily familiar.UC service workers, members of AFSCME Local 3299, picket at UC Irvine Medical Center. The union has scheduled a five-day walkout starting March 3. (Glenn Koenig / Los Angeles Times). IN L.A. THIS WEEK… The weather's differ
2-22-14 Wait What? All Week
Wait What?: Wait What? All WeekCorporate Education Reform Industry targets kindergartenersOf all the negative and bad public policies being pushed by Governor Malloy, Malloy’s Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor and their corporate education reform allies, none are more offensive, inappropriate and disgusting than their on-going effort to force their “education reforms” on Connecticut’s younge
2-22-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum:Seattle Schools Community ForumData Walls in Classrooms (Coming to a School Near You?)Read this article by Valerie Strauss of the Washington Post. It should cause you to consider what is coming. Following on the heels of that article is her next one where one privacy expert says this could violate FERPA.Really, the photo, from Caledwell County Schools in North Ca
2-22-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Ed Notes OnlineNewark Teacher Reports on Raz Baraka Blogger MeetingThank you Ras Baraka and "May The Lord protect and defend you."... A Newark Teacher It speaks volumes about Ras Baraka's true commitment to Newark's children that he has cast these educational tourists aside in favor of those who have made it their life's work to either teach children or understand the dy
2-22-14 Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All Week
Jersey Jazzman:Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All WeekThe Jazzman Speaks! This Saturday, 2/22, Rutgers-NewarkHey, check out this guy:Saturday, 2/22/14, 10 AM, on the beautiful Rutgers-Newark campus. Free admission, real talk, good times. Sleeping in is overrated anyway...Thanks to Kaleena for making this happen, and to Junius Williams for the invitation. Hope you can make it.38 by Duke / 1d Shocking: Bara
2-22-14 Fred All Week Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Fred All Week Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacherJay Rehak. Fixing our fund begins with a guaranteed source of revenue.— Jay C. Rehak, president, Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund Board of Trustees, English teacher, Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, wrote this to the Chicago Tri
2-22-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Perdido Street School WeekHere's What Common Core And Education Reform Will Not FixWe keep hearing that Common Core is going to make kids the nation over "college and career ready," but that platitude assumes that there are actually "careers" available for kids to do (and get paid for) when they grow up.These days, that's a dicey proposition - as Robert R
2-22-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
THE BECOMING RADICALRadical ScholarshipEMPATHYEDUCATES!the becoming radical A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by Nina Simone on the Role of the ArtistOriginally posted on Beyond Capitalism Now: Nina Simone on the Role of the Artist Interviewer: You want your art to live on long after you View original1 by plthomasedd / 1d James Baldwin in the Spring of 1963Originally posted on Beyond Capitalism
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 2-22-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit:4LAKIDS - SOME OF THE NEWS THAT DOESN'T FIT Ripped from the pages of the supermarket tabloids: MICHAEL CLARKE DUNCAN’S DEATH INSPIRED REALITY STAR OMAROSA TO RUN FOR LOS ANGELES SCHOOL BOARDUS Weekly Celebrity News by OMG! Staff | Omarosa says Michael Clarke Duncan's death inspired her to run for the Los Angeles Unified School Dis
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Week… 2-22-14 …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EF
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFLLARRY FERLAZZO’S WEBSITES OF THE DAYGreat Video For Language Development (& For Ethics Discussion): “Would you give your jacket to Johannes?”Here’s a great video created by an organization in Norway to raise awareness of the plight of Syrian refugee children. English Language Learners can describe what they see happening
This Week's Education Research Report 2-22-14 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Education Research ReportTHIS WEEK'S EDUCATION RESEARCH REPORTIntervention Improves First-Generation Students’ Academic PerformanceCollege students who do not have parents with 4-year degrees (first-generation students) earn lower grades and encounter more obstacles to success than do students who have at least one parent with a 4-year degree (continuing-generation students). This study tested a n
2-22-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Schools Matter All WeekColonial Philadelphia, or Colonized?from Ken Derstine:Is the School District of Philadelphia a colony of the state of Pennsylvania?by Ken DerstineFebruary 20, 2014Parents of Philadelphia students and prospective students should know their right to choose a school for their children is under attack. Several weeks ago the SRC held round table discussions about
All Week 2-22-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: All Week @ THE CHALK FACE Why Teach For America Cannot ChangeThis past Monday, the group Students United for Public Education (aka SUPE)–led by two amazing college students, Stephanie Rivera and Hannah Nguyen–organized a highly successful twitter storm using the hashtag #ResistTFA. For a few hours, #ResistTFA became one of the top trending hashtags in the na
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH ALL WEEK LONG Diane Ravitch's blog 2-22-14 #thankateacher #EDCHAT #P2
Diane Ravitch's blogLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH ALL WEEK LONGDIANE RAVITCH'S BLOGSchool Choice: Not for Students with DisabilitiesCharter schools and voucher schools –unless they are one of the few created specifically for students with disabilities–are noted for excluding them. A Gulen charter in Minneapolis took over a public school and immediately kicked out 40 autistic students. In this article, t
Do Bill and Melinda Gates have the right to affect our childrens’ lives for an eternity? | Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates
Do Bill and Melinda Gates have the right to affect our childrens’ lives for an eternity? | Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates: Do Bill and Melinda Gates have the right to affect our childrens’ lives for an eternity?Posted on February 22, 2014by Teachers'LettersToBillGatesDear Bill and Melinda,You and Melinda went to school. You have kids in school. You, Bill — are anexpert at developing a software c
The Spring of Resistance: More learning, less testing | Seattle Education
The Spring of Resistance: More learning, less testing | Seattle Education: The Spring of Resistance: More learning, less testingI and others around the country came together last summer to discuss the over testing of our students. We knew that there are parents, students and teachers coming together around the country in large cities and small townships, resisting the high stakes testing, demandin
Nite Cap 2-21-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPAre You a Bad Teacher? | Gatsby In L.A.Are You a Bad Teacher? | Gatsby In L.A.: Are You a Bad Teacher? I once had a student who was on crack. It was a nightmare. Before he’d spun out into addiction, Jorge had been one of the most talented stude
Are You a Bad Teacher? | Gatsby In L.A.
Are You a Bad Teacher? | Gatsby In L.A.: Are You a Bad Teacher? I once had a student who was on crack. It was a nightmare. Before he’d spun out into addiction, Jorge had been one of the most talented students I’d ever had in my Drama class, with the inspired, all-out brilliance and timing of a comedic pro. But crack turned him nasty and out of control. He’d bounce into my class hopped up, swea
What Would a Progressive Edu-ALEC Look Like? - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
What Would a Progressive Edu-ALEC Look Like? - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher: What Would a Progressive Edu-ALEC Look Like?By Nancy Flanagan on February 21, 2014 2:04 PMMention the word "policy" and most teachers' eyes glaze over. Actually, most Americans' eyes glaze over. Unless you can edit policy down into a catchy, snarky sound bite--effectively putting a face on
solidaridad: CORE and Jacobin present Class Action: An Activist Teacher’s Handbook
solidaridad: CORE and Jacobin present Class Action: An Activist Teacher’s Handbook: CORE and Jacobin present Class Action: An Activist Teacher’s HandbookAfter many delays, Class Action: An Activist Teacher’s Handbook is finally ready. Backers of the initial Kickstarter (and those who order within the next week) should receive their print copies by the end of the month. The booklet will be distribu
2-19-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Why Teach For America Cannot ChangeThis past Monday, the group Students United for Public Education (aka SUPE)–led by two amazing college students, Stephanie Rivera and Hannah Nguyen–organized a highly successful twitter storm using the hashtag #ResistTFA. For a few hours, #ResistTFA became one of the top trending hashtags in the nation. Now, TFA’s response to the outpouring of
2-21-14 THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG - Every School Has Its Challenging Students
Every School Has Its Challenging Students — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGEvery School Has Its Challenging StudentsFebruary 21, 2014 by Klea ScharbergAs educators, we are the gatekeepers for society and the nurturers of individuals. We have an obligation to teach all students, but some are really hard to teach. How can we promote safety and success for all, while supporting our challe
It's Called Listening, Deformers should TRY IT! Union Leaders Put Common Core in the Cold | TNTP
Union Leaders Put Common Core in the Cold | TNTP: Union Leaders Put Common Core in the ColdFebruary 21, 2014 | by Tim DalyThis week, National Education Association (NEA) president Dennis Van Roekel released an open letterto his members criticizing the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and demanding a series of “course corrections,” without which NEA will no longer back the initiati
V.A.M.: Value Added Measure: Selling the Common Core with More Caramel Coating?
V.A.M.: Value Added Measure: Selling the Common Core with More Caramel Coating?: Selling the Common Core with More Caramel Coating?It seems that the supporters of Common Core are beginning to understand that the standards have left a sour taste in many people's mouths. It seems, using all the business acumen they have, they'll try to find a new way to sell it to the people, adding yet another lay
Rheevealing FBI filing charges in Southeast L.A. corruption probe, source says -
FBI filing charges in Southeast L.A. corruption probe, source says - FBI filing charges in Southeast L.A. corruption probe, source saysRhee-lated $tory: Michelle Rhee answers Ravitch in New Bookal$o $ee Rhee-lated $tory: Excerpts from "Rhee The Art of the Deal" a new $tory about Corporate Education Reform and the Woman that make$ it Happen!National education reform advocate
2-21-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Parthenon Group Advises Schools, Education Industry, and Investors: How Could They Ever Lose?The billions of ready cash from No Child Left Behind provided an dollar-powered incubator for the birth of the modern day education industry. State and local education agencies in search of quick solutions to meet NCLB’s impossible demands desperately turned to business solutions, ranging
2-21-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): At UTLA forum, a few issues break out within the mudslingingWarren Fletcher, Leonard Segal, Kevin Mottus and Alex Caputo-Pearl at the forum last night The third UTLA presidential forum held at union headquarters last night was the most well attended — about 70 members made it for the two hour question and
Why Do Kids Act Out? Oakland Classrooms Try Healing Instead of Punishment | Alternet
Why Do Kids Act Out? Oakland Classrooms Try Healing Instead of Punishment | Alternet: Why Do Kids Act Out? Oakland Classrooms Try Healing Instead of PunishmentAs executive director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth, Fania Davis sees programs like hers as part of the way to end the school-to-prison pipeline.3 COMMENTS3 COMMENTSdigg A A AEmailPrintPhoto Credit: Suzanne Tucker via Shutterst
2-21-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Friday Open ThreadA new initiative is coming on student data privacy in Washington State but here's the latest from California via the NY Times. California has always been a frontrunner on this issue and this bill may be one that our Legislature could use as a template (along with the bills now going in Georgia, NY, and Colorado). This is an issue that is gaining
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Calif. pension battle brewing. Sounds eerily familiar.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Calif. pension battle brewing. Sounds eerily familiar.: Calif. pension battle brewing. Sounds eerily familiar.UC service workers, members of AFSCME Local 3299, picket at UC Irvine Medical Center. The union has scheduled a five-day walkout starting March 3. (Glenn Koenig / Los Angeles Times). IN L.A. THIS WEEK… The weather's different, but the education issues sound
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Scrutiny in California for software in schoolsEducation HeadlinesFriday, February 21, 2014FCMAT provides links to California K-12 news stories as a service to the industry. However, some stories may not be accessible because of newspapers' subscription policies.Rialto Unified superintendent’s fate remains undecidedThe school board met again W
2-21-14 Engaging Parents In School All Week… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": California “PTA program creates parent advocates”PTA program creates parent advocates is an article published in Ed Source describing a parent training program developing by the California PTA. It’s called School Smarts. The article provides a lot of information, including links, about the Larry Ferlazzo / 23min
College and Career Ready or Not | EduShyster
College and Career Ready or Not | EduShyster: College and Career Ready or Not How to talk to your little ones about art historyIt is never too early to begin preparing your little ones for the jobs that will cease to exist in the future—even if you don’t actually have little ones. So imagine the frustration of successfully filling your little ones full of college and career readiness only to watch
Death of disabled 11-year-old boy leads to FCAT opt-out bill |
Death of disabled 11-year-old boy leads to FCAT opt-out bill | Death of disabled 11-year-old boy leads to FCAT opt-out billRelatedView Larger Andrea RediskeORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — The death of an 11-year-old boy has led to a new state bill that would allow severely disabled students to skip the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.Ethan Rediske's parents were upset after being forced
Morning Wink 2-21-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-21-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: The Vergara Trial: Harvard Expert Takes StandThe Vergara trial is an effort by a wealthy tech entrepreneur to win a judgment that any due process rights for teachers harms the civil rights of mi