Gates Is Funding USDOE Conferences and “Innovations”
What corporate reformers manage to devise continues to amaze me.
I know. It shouldn’t. But it does.
During my perusal of the latest Gates grants, I stumbled across a find that makes me tilt my head slightly to the right in contemplation of its creepy import:
The US Department of Education is taking Gates money.
The first grant, for $300,000, was paid in April 2012:
U.S. Department of Education
Date: April 2012
Purpose: to support a national labor-management collaboration conference
Amount: $300,000
But there’s more …
Gates paid the USDOE a nearly identical grant in December 2013:
U.S. Department of Education
Date: December 2013
Purpose: to support a conference on labor-management collaboration to help implementation of the Common Core State Standards [Emphasis added.]
Amount: $300,000
So, here we have two “labor management collaborations” financed by Gates– with the second focused on CCSS implementation– Bill’s favorite song of late.
Here is a May 2012 USDOE white paper on the first such “collaboration.” The introduction is really sweet, with everyone playing nice “on the same side of the table”:
This U.S. Department of Education white paper lays out a case for expanding the role of teachers and unions working with administrators and school boards as