Bloomberg on Dasani: “That’s Just the Way God Works”
Readers around the world read the New York Times’ front-page series about a homeless girl named Dasani, who was called “Invisible Child.” They learned about the deplorable conditions in the shelter where she was living in a single room with her parents and seven siblings. They learned about the rats, roaches, and mold; about inspectors who wrote reports that led to no action; they learned about ch
“Look at That, Pittsburgh! We Did It!”
Pennsylvania blogger Yinzercation explains the stunning victory of the education justice movement in Pittsburgh. Parents, educators, and community members organized, mobilized, and elected new members to the school board. The new board canceled a contract with TFA and reversed the closing of an elementary school. Santa came early in Pittsburgh
Camika Royal: Would I Join TFA If I Knew Then What I Know Now?
Camika Royal is an alumna of TFA and a critical friend. She knows what is wrong with TFA, but she is not sorry she joined. TFA helped to shape who she is today, even as she questions its efficacy and its boasting. What she does know for sure is that TFA does not address the structural inequities of American education. She has read the flurry of articles saying “don’t join TFA,” but she doesn’t ag
“Center for Union Facts” Slams Me: Schneider Blasts Back
Mercedes Schneider is a Wonder Woman of data. She teaches high school English in Louisiana, holds a Ph.D. in research methods, and writes lengthy, carefully documented articles when she is not teaching. I can’t wait to see her book, which will be published in 2014. When the so-called “Center for Union Facts” purchased a full-page ad in the New York Times to attack Randi Weingarten and teachers’ un
L.A. Teacher Breaks with Corporate Reformers
Lisa Alva Wood, a teacher in the Los Angeles public schools, belonged to an array of corporate reform groups. She belonged to Educators for Excellence and other corporate-sponsored groups. She participated in an E4E video, along with other teachers, supporting a group that promotes high-stakes testing, evaluation of teachers by test scores, charter schools, etc., all in the name of “civil rights”
College Students Form Group to Oppose TFA Recruitment
A reader submitted this comment about a new group formed to push back against Teach for America. Join Resist TFA and spread the word to end this cult. Stephanie Rivera at Rutgers University started this program and she’ll send the materials on request. Spread the word. I print them and leave the flyers in the libraries & on student bulletin boards. My students spread the info via social netw
Apple Picks “Reign of Error” as One of Best Books of 2013!
Just learned this from Victoria Wilson, my great editor at Knopf. “Reign of Error” was selected by Apple as one of the year’s best books in the category “Politics and Current Events”: Apple announced its 2013 Editorial Picks of the Year this morning. ONE SUMMER has been named Best in nonfiction for year and TENTH OF DECEMBER Best of the Year in fiction. iTunes.com/iBooksBestof2013 Additional Picks
Charters vs. Public Schools on NAEP 2013
For more than two decades, we have heard that charter schools will “save” poor kids from “failing public schools.” Most comparisons show that charter schools and public schools get about the same test scores if they serve the same demographics. When charter schools exclude English learners and students with severe disabilities and push out students with low test scores, or exclude students with be
Common Core: A Bonanza for Vendors
Education Week reports that 68% of districts plan to buy new instructional resources to meet the demands of Common Core. That is, some 7,600 districts plan to buy new materials. Most are planning to buy online resources, presumably to prepare for online testing. I wish some researchers would estimate the shift of resources to pay for the new stuff. As districts purchase more Common Core aligned ma
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 12-18-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Registration Closed for Westchester Event on January 16, But….I earlier announced that I would be speaking on the evening of January 16 at Fox Lane School in Bedford, New York, but registration closed at 650 people. FYI, in my experience, there are always no-shows. I have been to several events that were theoretically “sold out,” y