Coop Goes to High School Part 9 – On My Own Terms
November 23rd, 2013 at 13:20Living life on my own terms, at my own cadence, surrounded by those with whom I could share a sense of real collaboration and community, that’s what I wanted. Not some day in the future after I’d jumped through all society’s hoops and proven my worthiness to be a full-fledged adult, but now, January 1972, as I pondered what classes I would sign up for for my last semester of high school. There was so much going on, as George Harrison so elegantly called out in his song “Within You Without You”…
And the time will come when you see
we’re all one, and life flows on
within you and without you.
In the national news, President Nixon’s administration was proceeding with the “Vietnamization” of the vietnam War, that my mom was still doing everything she could as a local Democratic party activist to campaign against. Mariner 9 was the first unmanned spacecraft from Earth now orbiting around the planet Mars, as human exploration of space pushed its reach farther from our home planet. Promising negotiations continued between the United States