United Way of Central Indiana to Start the Mitch Daniels/Dennis Bakke/Bart Peterson Handouts to the Corporate School Wealthy
by Doug MartinWhile some United Way branches across the Hoosier state are investing in early learning initiatives like Success by Six, the United Way of Central Indiana, now run by former Mitch Daniels, Dennis Bakke, and Bart Peterson operative Ann Murtlow, is planning on handing out cash to charter schools in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion ,and Morgan counties. In a press release t
10-24-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: School-wide Parent Boycott of Tests for K-2 Brings Down TestThis is what OPTOUT looks like. From RealNews:2 by Jim Horn / 7min 10-23-13 Schools MatterSchools Matter: The Mismeasure of Education Documents Tennessee as a Cautionary TaleJim Horn’s and Denise Wilburn’s The Mismeasure of Education chronicles the history of test-driven accountability that true believers in accountabilit