Boys With Tender Hearts and Big Dreams in Their Hoodies
is the title of this powerful post at Reader Supported News by Eve Ensler. It is written in the form of an open letter to Trayvon Martin. She begins by explaining that It is unusual for me to write about boys or men unless I am calling them to end the violence against women and girls or asking them to join us in standing up for women's rights. She acknowledges that is a failure on her part.
Krugman: The Great Pension Scare
As a teacher I am a public employee. I am already drawing a public pension as a result of retiring in 2012. When I go back into the classroom next month, even though I am teaching in a jurisdiction covered by the same pension plan, I am no longer required to contribute (but as a result I also receive less pay). Given what Michigan is trying to do with pensions in Detroit, I pay close attention t
teacherken This Week at Daily Kos 7-20-13
teacherken at Daily Kos: Breaking - Helen Thomas has diedbyteacherken 1 Comments / 0 Newthere is not as yet much about the details. Susan Page of USA Today had a tweet. Thomas's Wikipedia page has been updated with her death but without details.Helen Thomas was a courageous reporter, one unafraid of challenging authority and conventional thinking. She quite United Press on principle after 57