Even with all of Rahm’s horses and all of the Chicago Tribune’s men in support of her opponent for the job Chicago Teachers’ Union President, Karen Lewis was reelected on May 17 with an 80% share of the vote among Chicago educators. This is from George Schmidt’s article at Substance News:
In a press release issued late on the night of May 17, the Chicago Teachers Union stated: “National Board Certified teacher Karen GJ Lewis has retained her position as president of the Chicago Teachers Union, according to unofficial, preliminary results from today’s election, receiving an overwhelming 80 percent of the votes. In addition, the Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE) has also retained the remaining officer positions including Jesse Sharkey as vice president, Michael Brunson as recording secretary and Kristine Mayle as financial secretary. The slate also won all of its executive board and convention delegates.”
Even though the Tribune carried the news with an unflattering pic of Lewis and a few lines of sour verbiage, and even though the NYTimes did not mention the