ASCD is honored to present Milwaukie High School, located in Milwaukie, Ore., with the 2013 Vision in Action: The ASCD Whole Child Award. This special award recognizes schools that move beyond a vision for educating the whole child to actions that result in learners who are knowledgeable, emotionally and physically healthy, civically active, artistically engaged, prepared for economic self-sufficiency, and ready for the world beyond formal schooling.
"We are pleased to name Milwaukie High School as our 2013 Vision in Action: The Whole Child Award winner," said ASCD Executive Director and CEO Dr. Gene R. Carter. "Milwaukie's staff members work tirelessly to improve their students' academic, social, and emotional growth; expand their educational practices; and sharpen the administration's focus on staff professional development, all to meet the needs of the whole child."
A Focus on Professional Development
The Milwaukie High School educators' dedication to the needs of the whole child was demonstrated by their focus on professional development that supported the concept of equity in action during the 2011–12 school year. Staff members committed themselves to addressing social justice and equity issues. School personnel have participated in an equity training program called, "Taking it Up," and the school administrative team will
Where Are We Going and Why?
Post submitted by Andy Hargreaves and Pasi Sahlberg
We are entering an age of post-standardization in education. It may not look, smell, or feel like it, but the augurs of the new age have already arrived and are advancing with increasing speed. [This] "Fourth Way" pushes beyond standardization, data-driven decision making, and target-obsessed distractions to forge an equal and interactive partnership among the people, the profession, and