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Friday, March 1, 2013

Lee Nave Jr. – The Art of Persuasion is Just Student Voice

Student Voice:

Lee Nave Jr. – The Art of Persuasion is Just

Speech, debate, and forensics (not the crime scene kind) should be implemented in all schools.
Yes. I just said public speaking should be something all schools has. Public speaking, something more Americans fear worst than snakes and actual death. What a scary thought some of you may have just had.
I had this same fear 8 years ago when I first started high school debate. I, a quite introverted boy suffering from low self-esteem was forced to give speeches in front of people I did not know. It did not take long before I got over my fear and now I am older, a professional speech writer/coach, and a graduate student majoring in two fields that revolve around debate and public speaking skills.
Just think of an America where we can thoroughly understand debates from our own homes? Skills acquired from a public speaking education would allow the average Joe to critique politicians in an entirely and more informed fashion.
The concept of being required to take training on how to talk, raise arguments, and perform creative literature may sound mind boggling to some. In reality, when examining what our focus as a movement is, these skills are something that can definitely come in handy. I will explain the relevance of speech, debate, and forensics through three points: Topicality, Solvency, and Advantages.
We of the millennial generation are known for both being individualistic as well as being collaborative people. This assumed persona about