NJ Teacher Evaluation: Based On a Mistruth
The new proposals for changes in teacher evaluation in New Jersey - code name: Operation Hindenberg - have been made public by Education Commissioner Chris Cerf. And you know what's really amazing?
The first sentence in Cerf's proposal - the very first sentence - is a mistruth, slickly packaged to give the NJDOE plausible deniability for misleading the public about the need for a revision in teacher evaluations.
Here it is:
The first sentence in Cerf's proposal - the very first sentence - is a mistruth, slickly packaged to give the NJDOE plausible deniability for misleading the public about the need for a revision in teacher evaluations.
Here it is:
Let me start by turning to the always excellent Matt DiCarlo at Shanker Blog:In schools, teachers and leaders have the greatest influence on student learning.
Specific wordings vary, but if you follow education even casually, you hear some version of this argument with incredible frequency. In fact, most Americans are hearing it – I’d be surprised if many days pass when some approximation of it isn’t made in a newspaper, magazine, or high-traffic blog. It is the shorthand justification – the talking point, if you will – for the current efforts to base teachers’ hiring, firing, evaluation, and compensation on students’ test scores and other